Simple Wisdom for Better Health

Welcome to the BackCare Foundation – where we know that good spinal health matters. We can help you move more, worry less & feel strong. 

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Need help with back pain? 

“I came to Anji with chronic back pain that had been worsening over many years, and was struggling to find a way to manage my condition such that I could become more active and reduce my dependency on painkillers. Her combination of osteopathy, sage advice, kind words and expert yoga teaching has resulted in my returning to the gym and swimming pool, and negated the need for painkillers at all. 

More importantly, Anji’s helped my take notice of, understand, and nurture my own body. Not only am I more flexible and in significantly less pain – I’m also calmer, more focused and self-aware. I have a far greater understanding of what my body is/ isn’t capable of, and how it reacts to breathing, movement and exercise. 

Anji’s given me the knowledge that I’m able to build upon and grow in my own time – and to continually develop in my own way. It’s put me back in control of my pain – rather than the other way round. I can’t thank her enough.”