Transformational Breathwork Journeys

  • These are 2-3 Hour, fully immersive, group experiences
  • Kelsey is a trained practitioner of The Sacred Breath Method, a continuous circular breathing technique, meaning we breathe without interruption, creating a seamless flow. 
  • This method offers a deeper, therapeutic approach for lasting healing within a safe and unrestrained space.
  • During the practice, you'll lie down and engage in full diaphragmatic breathing, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. This technique stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation, restoration, and recalibration, as opposed to triggering the "fight or flight" response of the sympathetic nervous system.
  • By focusing on the parasympathetic nervous system, we enable a profound relaxation of the body, facilitating a deep somatic experience where we gently unwind and safely explore whatever arises.
  • At the conclusion of the session, we transition into Shavasana, allowing you to immerse yourself in the expansive energy that has been generated. This integration period ensures that you fully reap the benefits of the experience. 

Experience the enchantment of Transformational Breathwork sessions, guided by the mystical Sacred Breath Method—a Conscious Connected Breathwork Technique that unlocks the door to extraordinary realms of consciousness. Within this sacred space, the possibilities for profound healing and transformation are boundless.

As you embark on this remarkable journey, you'll harness the incredible power of breath and spirit, embarking on a deeply personal exploration into the very essence of your soul. This journey unfolds within the safety of a purposeful container, carefully crafted for your well-being.

The Sacred Breath Method weaves its magic by harmonizing the emotional tapestry of your being, alleviating the body's burdensome pain, and igniting the flame of your higher soul expression. It's a key that opens doors to higher states of awareness, unveils spiritual wisdom, and unveils emotional breakthroughs through the tactile adventure of breath.

Countless seekers who have embarked on this transformative breathwork odyssey attest to its life-altering impact, heralding it as the next evolution in transpersonal healing. What's more, this profound experience is elevated by a unique playlist and a ceremonial design, ensuring a trauma-informed journey that lets you reconnect somatically and viscerally with the timeless wisdom that resides within you.

What is Breathwork?

  • Breath is our internal life force. Our breath is the only part of our autonomic nervous system that can be consciously controlled. It is the first thing our body expresses when we are born and the last when we die.
  • Breathwork is the art and practice of consciously controlling our breath.
  • As we master our breath, we master our lives, as it is the most transformative tool we have within us. Breath is medicine.

Benefits of Breathwork:

  • Physical > Oxygenating the body, Detoxifying and nourishing
  • Mental > Gently access the subconscious, see more clearly and build new neurological pathways
  • Emotional > Safely find, express and transmute any emotions that may arise
  • Spiritual > Every session is unique to the individual and to what they need. We step into deep magic as we tune our frequency to connect more deeply with the divine.

Why do we practice Breathwork?

  • Over 70% of our detoxification happens through our breath
  • 90% of our energy comes from our breath
  • It purifies and alkalizes our blood
  • We will cleanse, strengthen, and nourish the entire body
  • Allows us to enter into altered states of consciousness and shift our brainwave frequency,
    to help deep healing of our mind, body, emotions and life
  • Opens up a doorway to the divine and unlocks our higher potential

Preparation for a Journey:

Please allow three hours for the experience and commit to being in the container for the full duration of the session.  Upon registering you will receive more information regarding the technique and practice. We will also review this at the beginning of the session. Please arrive about 15 minutes early so you can set up your space. You will want to give extra self-care and time for yourself after your session. These measures are important for the effectiveness of the work.

Things to consider bringing:

  • Eye mask 
  • Journal and pen
  • Pillow and blanket
  • Optional Altar item(s)
  • Tissues, hair ties, lip gloss
  • Yoga or comfortable mat/cushion for sitting and laying
  • A non-glass, spill-proof, water bottle or insulated drink vessel 
  • Any benevolent items or sacred tools that you feel called to have with you
  • Optional snacks for after your journey (although they will be provided)
  • Comfortable clothing that is easy to move in and layers in case you get hot or cold

Before the event:

Eat mindfully on the day of your journey, avoiding heavy foods and foods containing gluten, dairy, caffeine, and sugar as much as possible (as they may affect the breath process in many ways). Organic soups, salads, smoothies, and healthy proteins are wonderful choices. Please also consider detoxing from technology and screens as much as possible before and after your journey. No alcohol or recreational drug consumption is allowed before or during these sessions. 

What to expect:

Kelsey practices a Conscious, Connected Breathwork Technique from The Sacred Breath Academy. Conscious, Connected Breathwork results in certain specific physiological changes in the body and also can result in intense physical and emotional release. Please be aware that these sessions are safe, illuminating, transformative, and deeply healing, and can sometimes cause the following:

  • Tingling
  • Buzzing
  • Vibrating
  • Trauma release
  • Somatic (body) unwinding
  • Unlocking repressed sensual/shakti energies
  • Deep emotional experiences, releases, and catharsis
  • Experiencing life force energy (prana) moving through your body
  • Ecstatic, kundalini awakenings (usually for more advanced journeyers)
  • Trembling, shaking, or other physical sensations, including spontaneous physical movement
  • Tetany: a tightness/frozen feeling that usually occurs in the hands or sometimes the jaw, but can occur anywhere in the body. This is a normal sensation that can occur as trapped energy begins to release from the body.

Are you a good candidate for this breathwork?

Breathwork Contraindications:

Breathwork results in certain specific physiological changes in the body and also can result in intense physical and emotional release. Before booking you will be asked to review a list of contraindications for conscious, connected breathing. If you are on the contraindication list, you are not a candidate for full breathwork but we are happy to discuss modified, gentle breathwork with you, at a later date if applicable.

All sales are final. Journey credits will be issued for any cancellations or rescheduling made within the 24-hour timeframe. Any changes or cancellations made outside of this timeframe will be subject to full payment.