This project was born from our desire to bring together useful practices for a mindful 2024, by experts in fields like embodiment, photography, color analysis, finance, coaching, mindfulness and meditation.

Our journey started physically in Spain in September 2023, but online a lot sooner, by joining a life-changing program called #theBreak. As the days went by we realized we had more in common that we could have imagined, so we decided that Spain would be just the beginning of an amazing journey together. And because we’re really passionate about our specialties and we all strongly believe in a better life, we decided to share a little part of each of us thru this calendar that we hope to be your guide for a mindful 2024.

by Mariana Boboc

This is why you need the butterfly planner...

Organized Health Goals: Are you a busy woman? A wellness planner can help to stay organized and prioritize your health goals. With sections dedicated to exercise routines and self-care activities, you can create a structured plan that fits into your hectic schedule. This organization allows you to set realistic health objectives and track your progress over time.

Time Management
: Do you feel the day is not long enough? Busy women often struggle with time management, making it challenging to incorporate wellness activities into their daily lives. A wellness planner can serve as a scheduling tool, helping you to allocate time for workouts, meditation, and other self-care practices. By having a dedicated space for wellness in your planner, you can better manage your time and ensure that health-related activities are not overlooked.

Stress Reduction
: How are your stress levels? Juggling multiple responsibilities can lead to increased stress. A wellness planner can include sections for stress management techniques, mindfulness exercises, and gratitude practices. By regularly engaging in these activities and tracking your emotional wellbeing, a busy woman can proactively address stress and cultivate a healthier mental state.

Accountability and Motivation
: Are you committed to your goals? A wellness planner provides a tangible record of health-related activities and goals. This can serve as a source of accountability, motivating you to stay consistent with your wellness routines. The act of documenting achievements, whether big or small, can boost confidence and reinforce positive habits, creating a positive feedback loop that supports your ongoing commitment to wellbeing.