A whole year of email ideas to inspire you without throwing your computer against a wall.

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Email Impact 365

THE DIY email marketing guide for business owners to serve & connect their audience without the overwhelm.

127.00 USD

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You'll be sending out emails faster than you can say, "maybe email marketing isn't so hard after all!"

Knowing what to write in an email is just ONE part of what makes nurture emails so magical (read $) for your business.

✔️ What about the email platform?
✔️ When to send emails?
✔️ Connecting email back to your business?
✔️ Knowing when to sell in emails?

How about a 30 page workbook that simply - and concisely - spells it all out?!

Yes! Love that for you!!

Your customers deserve to hear from you more than when you have something to sell - and you deserve a strategy that makes it easy!

Get your 30 page editable workbook + start planning your next nurture email faster than you can say
"give me the goods!"

👇 👇 👇

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Email Impact 365

THE DIY email marketing guide for business owners to serve & connect their audience without the overwhelm.

127.00 USD

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