Want to explore your creative power through writing, as well as learn proven content strategy methods and ways to monetize?  

Are you wondering how to get started, which platforms to be on and where you should be publishing? 

When I started my writing and content journey 2 years ago, I could never have imagined where it would take me. I've had failures, wasted time and made mistakes along the way, but most importantly I've been documenting this process.

I've always had this course in mind, even if I was unsure of what it would look like, I knew this journey was not just for me alone. I knew the failures and the times I almost wanted to give up were all for a reason, and one day I would be able to empower others through this Story. 

I take you through everything I have learned as a new Writer & Content Creator, as well as the strategies I've created from my successes, and that are created with Moms in mind.

Do you get stuck on the concept of Content Strategy or are you wondering why you are posting consistently and your content is not performing? 

Make your writing a holistic endevour.

This will be a comprehensive course that aims to empower Mothers to achieve their writing and content dreams, whatever they decide them to be. 

We will cover content creation from the inception and creative process, all the way through to SEO and blog writing and content strategy, including repurposing and publishing your content across multiple platforms. 

I will share what you need for the foundations of your online presence that support your unique creative flow, and how to get in a rhythm that supports your inspiration. 

We are meant to work with our flow, not against it... 

It took me some time to accept and understand my personal flow, and now I want to empower you to find yours.

I invite you to redefine your expectations and lean into the enjoyment of the process of creation. We are meant to work with our flow not against it.

See how I've created engaged communities on both Instagram and Linkedin, doing it all as a Single Mom to a toddler, and on my own terms.

Expect to go deep into the creative process and learn more about yourself through it.

This is not a course about how to gain more followers, this is a course about how to create content that is evergreen, that resonates and that builds community in the process. 

I'll share with you my content strategies and how I've reached tens of thousands on Linkedin, and have thousands of organic plays on my reels from accounts of less than 1000 followers. 

This isn't about follower count, this is about value and impact. 


Kate Aries

"I've grown and learned so much through my experience of creating The Mama Temple and writing content daily, and I want to share this to empower all Mothers through Writing."

The Mama Temple,  Creator

2021 - Present

Platform Aries Digital Marketing Studio, Founder

2020 - Present

Can't wait for The Course & are already along the process of content writing but need help? Let's chat! 

I'm here to talk strategy, please introduce yourself via email.