Discover the Customer Journey 

Learn the key elements to creating a powerful AND pleasing customer journey. Taking customers from discovering your business to becoming a loyal fan! 

Date: May 17, 2024

Location: Virtual Event (Zoom)

Duration: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm PST

Cost: $47

What You'll Learn: 

  1. Understanding the Customer Journey: Learn what your customers are thinking, feeling, and expecting at each stage. 
  2. Attracting the Right Prospects: Discover how to attract the right customers from the start by speaking directly to their needs and desires.
  3. Engagement Techniques: Discover how to create engaging and compelling content and interactions that captivate your prospects and encourage them to take action.
  4. Conversion Strategies: Master the tactics that turn prospects into buyers. From optimizing your landing pages to crafting irresistible offers, you’ll learn how to increase your conversion rates.
  5. Building Loyalty and Repeat Business: Find out how to keep your customers coming back for more with strategies that build loyalty and encourage repeat business, turning customers into brand advocates.

Who Is This For?

    This workshop is perfect for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and anyone who wants to improve their marketing skills to drive more sales. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your approach, you’ll find valuable strategies and insights that can be applied immediately.



    Don’t miss this opportunity to turn your marketing efforts into a powerful engine for growth.


    Sign up before May 3 and get access to a special bonus Q & A Session after the Workshop! 
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