As a Dog Trainer who specialises in helping dog owners with disabilities, chronic illness or long term injury, I see dog owners every week say how they feel guilty for not being able to do certain things with their dogs; or they've been made to feel guilty by a family member, friend, or even worse... Another dog trainer.
As a disabled person myself, I have felt this. Everything catered towards disabled people with pets is for service animals. I didn't have a service animal, I had my dogs that I felt guilty that I couldn't take on 4 hour hikes to burn off energy, sad that some days our time spent together was recovering in bed and frustrated that every able bodied dog trainer I came into contact with told me I wouldn't figure it out and just to stop trying.
What a silly thing to have said to a determined person like me!
Hi I'm Demi, owner of The K9 Personal Trainer, a dog training business centred around helping dog owners like you.
It was something I saw the industry struggling with, normal pet owners that didn't want a service dog, they didn't want their canine companions to be a medical device; they just wanted to be able to enjoy life with their hounds.
And that's where I come in.
Since 2015 I have been working with behavioural expert Karen Boyce of Beastly Thoughts Professional Dog Services, gaining knowledge and experience of science based training for both humans and dogs. In 2017, I opened up my own business which later became 'The K9 Personal Trainer' which I created to work specifically with dog owners experiencing life with a disability, chronic illness or long term injury.
And every one of those teams has heard me say "It's ok to be sad and frustrated, that's why I'm here, let me show you the alternatives"
I live and breathe what I teach, I have a connective tissue disorder, an auto immune disorder, a body that likes to forget how to do automatic functions and a cocker spaniel... of course I need alternatives to walking for 3 hours straight to fulfil her needs, I can't even open a door without dislocating my wrist at times! 🤣
I want to help you! I have created my 'Accessible Dog Guardian Strategies Guide' for dog owners just like you! Over three emails it covers strategies in fitting in dog training around your disability, equipment I regularly use with my own dogs and recommendations I make to clients, and day 3 covers how to make training more fun again rather than a chore. I know how it feels, I've been there. That's why I want to help you.
I want to help as many people that are apart of my community as possible. That community being dog owners with disabilities.
Disability is not a question of if but rather of when...
It is the only minority group that you can become apart of at any moment in life.
Whether you were born with your disability or you obtained it over time.
Let me help