Scrolling through social media has become the zoned out stage of bland hypnosis to escape the day, barely registering what’s being shared or reading the same 37 posts of almost the exact same things with words like “magnetic”, “irresistible” and “consistent”.


Your social media is your number one sales strategy but most people don’t treat it like that.

😅More interested in how viral can I go?

😖Wasting time researching trends (and looking/sounding like literally everyone else) 

😕..Or comparing their boring home life in a suburb of a boring town such a disgrace that they can’t possibly share anything about their life unless they’re sipping pina coladas on the beach rolling around in a cut out swimsuit with a models body in a swimming pool of fake dollar bills.

It’s not the vibe.

And it’s also a lot of BS stories that are plaguing your unconscious fears and beliefs instead of you owning who tf you are and using this free platform to make some serious impact in the world (& on your bank balance).

Surface level content with vague, over used words is not the way you’re going to get that human on the other end of the phone heading to your profile, sending you a message asking for the link.

🌶We need to get deeper.

🔥We need to seduce.

🍒We need to entice.

😘We need to create the indescribable urge in the people YOU want to work with to make the first move and lean in (kinda like how you do the eye things to a guy on a date so they lean in for the kiss)

I’m gonna teach you how to do the eye thing metaphorically with your content to get that all important lean in and pout as your tummy tingles with butterflies that it’s happening.

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