| What would that be worth to you? What would it mean for your life? |

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This course is for you, if you ever find yourself feeling that…

  • You’re not quite sure who you are anymore?

  • You’re constantly overwhelmed and overstretched?

  • You have a sense you should feel grateful for your life but you’re just not that happy?

  • You’re always last on your list of priorities?

  • You’re constantly juggling and never quite sure when one of the balls is going to drop?

  • You’re lacking in confidence and self belief?

  • You’re fed up with being the one who does everything?

  • You tend to see the negative in life?

  • You do your best all the time and somehow still end up feeling guilty?

  • You’re sure you’re the only one feeling all these things?

  • There must be more to life than this…

... and you want to feel something different.  You want to feel...

  • A deep understanding of who you are, not just what you do.

  • A sense of balance and clarity on what’s important to you.

  • A sense of contentment and joy in your day to day life.

  • An inner conviction that it’s right to put yourself first.

  • A deep sense of confidence and self belief.

  • A willingness to share the load.

  • The power to see the positive and ignore the inner critic.

  • The tools to ditch the guilt.

  • A community of like minded people to share your thoughts and breakthroughs with.

  • More… More joy, more purpose, more confidence, more self believe, more passion for life, more YOU.

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Through a mix of prerecorded and live sessions over 12 weeks, I will support you to gain the tools, the knowledge and the power to rediscover you, reset your thinking and reignite your life.

This is for you if you want to make a change, if you want to prioritise joy, if you want to start truly loving the life you’re in.

Rediscover, Reset, Reignite will:

  • Give you the knowledge that you need to understand how to harness the power of your mind.

  • Empower you with the tools you need to change your mind and change your life.

  • Support you to let go of beliefs and ideas that are holding you back.

  • Give you the clarity to understand your dreams and the motivation and confidence to chase them.

    | Your very existence is a 1 in 400 trillion miracle. You deserve so much more than average |

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The Modules

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After training as a breakthrough coach and NLP practitioner in 2021, I moved from my career in the charity sector and launched Harriet Barcella Coaching providing 1:1 transformational coaching and group courses to help women to step into their potential.

One of the great unexpected joys of the training and work I have done to be a great coach has been all the transformations that I have seen in myself. My ability to see the best in situations, to communicate more clearly, to take time out for myself, to drop the Mum guilt, to take things less personally, to feel a deep sense of purpose. I am still human, I still feel overwhelmed at times, I still have moments of stress, difficult emotions and hurdles to overcome. But now, I have so many amazing tools to deal with these things when they come up for me. And so, if you asked me if I’m happy, the answer is an overwhelming ‘yes’. And I want YOU to feel the same. That’s why I’ve put this course together. To teach and share the most important concepts, ideas and tools with you because I know that they can truly change your life.

When I'm not working, I can be found around my home town of beautiful Henley on Thames walking, or paddle boarding with my 3 little ones and husband, laughing with friends or relaxing in the garden with a good book and a glass of wine.

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Questions and answers

When does the course start and finish?

Module one will begin on Monday 26 September, with the first live session on Tuesday 4th October at 8pm. 'Ask Harriet' will take place live on Facebook every Thursday for the duration of the course. Live sessions will take place on: 

  • Tuesday 4th October 8pm 
  • Tuesday 18th October 8pm 
  • Tuesday 1st November 8pm 
  • Tuesday 15th November 8pm 
  • Tuesday 29th November 8pm 
  • Tuesday 13th December 8pm

The Facebook group will remain open for a minimum of 6 months after the course completes. 

How is the course delivered?

The course is delivered via a mix of prerecorded and live sessions. Each module will be delivered over 2 weeks with short 5 - 15 minute pre recorded videos accessible from the start of the module alongside short worksheets and journaling prompts. I know you are all busy and I want this course to fit into your life, and not become another burden on your time. I will be succinct and to the point.

Each 2 week module there will include a live video call. This will help to keep everyone accountable, to offer additional group exercises, to ask questions, build a community and share experiences.

All participants will have access to a closed Facebook group to discuss what your learning, share thoughts and breakthroughs and ask any questions. I will do a weekly live answering any questions and giving any additional updates. 

What if I can’t make the live sessions?

To protect the confidentiality of each person in the group, the live video calls won’t be recorded. However, everyone doing the course will have access to a private Facebook group where I will do a weekly ‘Ask Harriet’ session. You will be encouraged to write questions in the group as they come up for you, and I will answer any questions at the end of the week on a Facebook live. Any group exercises that take place on the live video calls will also be shared within the Facebook group. So whilst you are encouraged to join for the live sessions, you will still be able to have major breakthroughs and shifts without attending them.

How long do I have access to the course?

You will have access to the prerecorded content of the course for life.

Do you offer refunds?

There is an initial 14 day money back guarantee. If you wish to get a refund anytime within the first 14 days of the course starting, I will refund the money, no questions asked. After that, I am unfortunately not able to give any refunds.

Is it right for me?

If you’re ready to make real and lasting change in your life, then this is for you. If you are ready to examine your beliefs and thoughts, be challenged, learn and grow, then this is for you. If you are ready to become unstuck and unstoppable, this is for you.

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