Connecting people | Elevating lives
Join a community of like-minded people
driven by passion and purpose
Whether you're a creative, innovator, entrepreneur, artist, scientist, humanitarian, practitioner, sports person, historian, mathemetician, architect, engineer, marketeer, project manager, investor, executive... whatever your profession or passion, there is one quality that you and the Elevation Networks community has in common; the original purpose to help.
In that spirit, Elevation Networks was born.
Why? When a culture exists that nurtures and nourishes the very human desire to help, true leadership comes to life and evolves. We believe that leadership exists in everyone. And we believe that together, we can make greater impact in the world.
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Join our expanding team of network leaders...
Get to know our team of innovative minds who are passionate about empowering like-minding professionals to create change and impact in the world.
Mandeep Birdy
Founder & Network Leader
Amy Still
Network Leader
Katy Snelgrove
Network Leader
Devon Bruce
Network Leader
Claudio Lira
Network Squad
Frequently asked questions...
What are the benefits of Elevation Networks?
Being amongst like-minded people can be a very therapeutic and practical experience. Our aim is to help people who have a strong desire to create positive impact for others, for the area and for the world. Elevation Networks is a global community that provides a safe space to share ideas, get support, find partners, source resources and make lasting friends. It's a place to nurture change and elevate lives. For members, we also have:
Elevation Offers
and so much more.
Who can come to Elevation Networks meetings?
Anyone who has a passion and heart to help others, you're welcome with open arms. Whether your profession involves helping others, your hobbies do, or you simply want to be inspired by the work and purpose of others.
There are many meetings - is each different?
There are two styles to every meeting.
LOCATION: We have a global meeting which has no specific theme as such, but is simply open to everyone wherever they are in the world. We also have meetings which are for specific towns or cities which can be useful for those who wish to meet like-minded people closer to them.
THEMED: We have meetings which are focused on a specific topic, for example: "Elevate Education", "Elevate Artists" and so on. These themed meetings are hosted by a Network Leader that has a passion for that topic and has a purpose to support like-minded individuals and organisations create positive impact in that field. If you have a certain topic you'd like to support, then get in touch and we'd love to chat with you.
What is a Network Leader
A Network Leader is one of our trusted members who wants to take responsiblity for hosting a networking group. A Network Leader imbues the spirit and culture of Elevation Networks and helps the global movement to support community leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs and helps across the world. They not only host regular meetings, but they're also on standby to support and help other Network Leaders. They are usually experts in their field, or are simply hugely passionate about supporting leaders in the world.
Can I become a member?
Absolutely! Click here to view membership options.
Can I become a Network Leader?
Absolutely! The only pre-requisite to be a Network Leader is to have a passion to support like-minded helpers, to commit to hosting regular networking meetings (we'll show you how) and to represent the spirit and culture of Elevation Networks. If you're interested in being a Network Leader, get in touch and we'd love to chat with you.