Astrology is your Story,

Human Design is your Strategy, 

Energy is the Work &

Hi, I'm your girl, Neha!

  • This is a FREE timeline jumping meditation.
  •  It'll help you relax into the version of you who's confidently living their purpose. 
  • This is not about changing yourself - this is about becoming more you than ever! it's about letting new layers of you emerge.
  • I’m forever obsessed with the quote by Carl Rogers - “The curious paradox is when I accept myself just as I am, then I change” - this is rooted in how I approach healing, hypnotherapy, creating change. You'll only release into the void what you're ready to let go of. Your subconscious is oriented towards safety & we're gonna anchor in that, so that you create the energetic shifts you're truly ready for.
    • basically, transformation 🤝 safety

I do this work to help you come home to yourself. What did Rumi say? “We’re all just walking each other home.” Exactly. If you're ready to create liberation from the inside out, tap in 🪄