June 13 - 17 & July 10 - 14
July 2 - 8
June 26 - July 2 & July 3 - 9
June 27 - July 2 & July 4 - 9
EYBL-endorsed camp is a stamp of approval from the European Youth Basketball League (EYBL). Over the years, EYBL has developed a huge network and knowledge in the Youth Basketball landscape. With more than 20 years of experience in a youth tournament, camp, and tour organization, EYBL has determined the key aspects of what makes a successful basketball camp. This allows us to endorse a select amount of camps that we know will deliver high-quality training and development experience for the youth.
With an EYBL endorsed camp, you can not go wrong. We have developed close relationships with many partners all over Europe, which ensures a standard for all the camps, with high-level coaching, up-to-date training techniques, good training facilities, and a space to improve as a basketball player daily.
You can sign-up for EYBL endorsed camp by choosing the camp you want to attend and by clicking the sign-up link above for the respective camp.
Each EYBL official camp and EYBL endorsed camp has an individual price depending on the length, location, and scope of the camp. Please find the prices in each respective camp description and sign up form
The answer is yes - Your camp can also be EYBL endorsed. Every year we keep expanding our network and offering the youth more diverse places and experiences where basketball players can develop their skills in an international environment. To become an EYBL endorsed camp, You will have to meet specific standards, but first, let's start with a conversation. Email us at - office@eybl.tv, and let's discuss the future together.
Thank you for getting in touch!
Our team will get back to you shortly.
Have a great day!