Is back pain keeping you from living your life?

Lower back pain plagues many of us as we age. What you could "get away with" in your 20's is no longer possible over 50. Sitting at a desk, and having less than ideal posture can definitely take its toll on your lower back, leaving it feeling cranky and you feeling irritable. 

If you are an active adult, you probably want to stay active throughout your life. Whether you play a sport, run, swim, bike, or something else, having lower back pain can really get in the way of being able to enjoy your activity. You exercise to stay healthy, feel strong, and manage stress, and when back pain prevents you from moving well, it can interfere with not only your physical, but your mental, and emotional health as well.

When your lower back pain becomes a literal PITA, it's time to do something about it. 

This Healthy Back After 50 Bundle includes 3 free videos to build core strength and mobility so that you can feel more at ease with less pain, and free eBook, "Lower Back Health After Age 50!" which goes over 3 core exercises you can practice daily for Lower Back Health. 

When your pain levels go down, you can be more engaged in your life, getting back into your favorite activities and with more energy, improved mood, and feeling more comfortable in your body.

Fill out the form below for your free eBook, plus 3 videos emailed to you over 3 days. Bookmark the eBook and videos, as they are for you use for as long as you like. Notice what a difference they make over the next few weeks!*

*This bundle is not for you if you have a herniated or ruptured disc, severe stenosis, or any other lower back issue that requires surgery