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Shop the Ultimate Course for Car Dealers

Great news. Are you looking to get into the car business? Then this is the course for you! Learn how to trade used cars like a dealer, and get a free MOT worth GBP 36.69. The journal offers more free vouchers and car sale materials. Cancel anytime!

39.99 GBP / month

Thank you for your purchase

Have a great day!


Phase One

- Surprise Upgrades - before 25 November 

- Casting actor models for Tiktok series - now
- Have 25 Paid Subscribers - soon

Phase Two

- Buy a Used Mini- Van - after selling the first car

- Make a Custom Website & Logo - after phase one

- Have 100 Paid Subscribers - later

Phase Three

Generate 1k Tiktok Followers - later

- Deliver Ads for Sponsors - later

- Have 500 Paid Subscribers - later

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Try out for a role in our next production

Amazing project. We are casting role models for the new Tiktok series about family car ideas. Starting next month with only three of you. The role book discovery costs equal to 4x sweet coffee shots. Cancel anytime in the first 30 days after buy-in.

9.99 GBP / month

Thank you for your purchase

Have a great day!

Get the skills you need to succeed

2023/01/15 16:00
2023/01/15 07:47
Meet a Star at the Secret Location from our Learned Journal

I'm here to increase your trust through Tiktok. Let's chat freely!

Get started with GBP 49.99 and receive a Free MOT worth GBP 36.69. Next month, you can cancel or ask for a new voucher for other car services.

All the latest and older journals & articles can be found in our paid newsletter only if you paid for our particular course for car dealers fans.

We send our newsletter frequently with pauses of two or three days. The learned journals include car dealers' stories, valuable links to government websites, and popular blogs about cars.

In case I am a car dealer

If you are a car dealer, you can advertise your car sale in our newsletter only after you buy the course like other participants and then contact us on Tiktok to start your promotion meeting in unique locations.

Your age is not important

We are recruiting actors to create a live documentary based on future Tik Tok videos made with you. The GBP 9.99 fee is mandatory because we must create sales materials for you.