Find your way to a Yoga lifestyle

Thank you for your interest in receiving my Newsletter, I really appreciate you! 

I don't want to come across spammy so I am committed to sending you only content that can help you grow and advance in your own personal development journey. Everything I am sharing with you comes from personal experience. 

My life has radically changed since I have decided to live more in alignment with my core values and since I decided to take my yoga practice off the mat as well; I have learned so much thus far and I am living a life I could only have dreamed of before. 

What I am going to share with you? All the things that helped me getting out of my own way, start to believe in myself and go after what I truly wished for. 
Tips & tricks, book recommendations, podcasts, reflections, yoga flows, yoga philosophy, practical tips to take your yoga practice off the mat, and so much more! 

We all need to start from somewhere, but the most important part is where we are going to end up