Did you know that...

60% of the pharmacy profession in the UK are female and 43% are of Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic background. 

That means that 25% of the pharmacy profession are female and of BAME background, yet our leadership no where near reflects this. With this in mind and being three female BAME pharmacists who have all held leadership positions in pharmacy, we wanted to help raise up and support women pharmacists from all backgrounds to reach leadership positions in our profession. 

Because our belief is the more representative our leadership is of the profession, the better we can support the people we serve.

Data from the GPhc Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Report 2019.

A rising ride lifts all boats.

This is what we truly believe and live by.

We held our first discussion on developing our inner leaders on International Women's Day in 2021 and shortly after the Female Pharmacy Leaders Network was born.

Since then we've run several monthly virtual meetups discussing everything relating to female pharmacy professionals reaching leadership positions from allyship and white priviledge to career journeys, emotional intelligence, menopause and more.

Our meetups are safe spaces for you to share your personal challenges and barriers, and gain the support of an incredible group of pharmacy professionals who are here to help you to reach whatever leadership positions you aspire to. 

We are not affliated to any one organisation, sector or group. 

And most importantly we encourage, collaboration, networking and supporting one another.

Who is part of the network?

The network is made up of 500+ pharmacy professionals from across all sectors and all leadership levels. We have students all the way up to CEOs, superintendents and chief pharmacists. We have members who are at national bodies, community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, PCN's, NHS England, Pharmaceutical Companies, Digital Health and beyond. Our aim is to create a space that is inclusive, open and accessible to all pharmacy professionals who have leadership ambitions.

What happens at the meetups?

We all take a hour or so out of an evening once a month and discuss all matters relating to female pharmacy professionals reaching leadership positions. You get to learn something new, hear a new perspective, share your insights and leave well,  feeling like you've found your tribe. But most importantly you'll feel courageous enough to speak up in your workplace, change your career, reach out to other leaders to learn more about what they do, put yourself forward for a leadership position, and overall step into that inner leader we know you have inside you.

Who can attend the meetups?

Any and all pharmacy professionals from all parts of the pharmacy sector, hospital, community, industry, digital, research….the list goes on! Why? Because we are all pharmacy, and we all have ambitions to be leaders in our own rights no matter which sub-sector we’re in.

What our community say?

"I have fairly recently joined your network, have finally managed to watch the recording of your last meet-up (my first one) and want to say thank you.  What a wonderful group of articulate, grounded, professional women. it was so refreshing to hear conversations about the real juggles of real life for real women in the world of Pharmacy. I haven't been so captivated by anything in a long time. I'm sure you have received many such emails and the praise is well deserved. Thank you for finding the energy and time for creating such a great Network"

"I'm grateful to have found this network and be inspired by all the amazing colleagues in it, I always leave feeling excited about what I can achieve."

Why join the network?

  • You'll always be welcome, no matter what your background, stage of career, or experience.
  • You will leave our meetups feeling hopeful, inspired, energised about pharmacy
  • You will make incredible connections from across the pharmacy sector and beyond
  • You will gain the courage to step up, speak out and step into that inner leader you are within
  • Miss a meetup, no problem we'll send you the recording (although there is nothing like the energy you get from attending live)

The Founders