Learn Firebase Authentication (45-min)
 Firebase & JavaScript

Ready To Build A Complete
User Authentication & Authorization Web App
Using Firebase & JavaScript? 🚀 [2024]

Learning Authentication is one of the important fundamental aspects of
web app development skills that developers like you must have.

4+ Hours Content • 25+ Lectures


✅ By the end of this course, you will be able to build a complete user authentication/authorization web app using Firebase & JavaScript without any back-end development skill!

• Sign Up A User (Email/Password)
• Sign In A User
• Sign Out A user
• Form Validation and Handle Errors
• Handle User Authentication State
• Email Verification
• Forgot/Reset Password
• Google Sign in
• Facebook Sign in
• Add, Get & Update Logged In User Data
• Upload, Get & Update Logged In User Profile Picture, and more..

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      Ends Jun 30th, 2024

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