Ready for goals that work with your life instead of against it?

Get the flexible writing planner today!

There's a reason so many writers fail to meet their goals and it has nothing to do with how much you want it.

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

      You recommit to your writing and set ambitious goals to write every single day 

      It works for a couple days - you feel amazing!       

      Your typical, busy life takes hold again, you miss a day, then another

      You give up on your writing goals and wonder why you ever though you could do this

The problem isn't your desire to write. 

And the problem isn't that you have a life (I mean, seriously, most of us do!) 

The problem is your approach to goal setting.

Rigid, inflexible goals don't work.

    Good news: 

    It doesn't have to be this way.

    Meet the writing planner designed for busy writers with messy, beautiful lives.

    Let's do this!

    Sign up below and get the flexible goal setting planner instantly!