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3 month private mentorship for the woman who wants to quit burnout, start enjoying her salary and live a life she loves outside the office.

1799.00 EUR

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Are you ready to become the boring friend who wakes up before her alarm, loves her job and lives a purpose driven life? 

Free 2 Flourish is a 12 week step by step private mentorship for the woman who knows her health is her best investment but her work-life balance isn't where she wants it to be yet... 

She is ready to say good bye to 2am wake ups and Sunday scaries so she can start enjoying her high vibe life after office hours while feeling more vibrant in her body. 

She knows she is going big places in her career and is willing to move like her future self now so she can start enjoying slow mornings, quality time with family and friends and moving her body daily without a constant knot in her stomach or the need to check her emails. 

You will learn how to: 

 Master sustainable habits from movement to meditation that will have you falling asleep early and waking up before your alarm clock without drinking 3 cups of coffee. 

 Rewire your brain to shed unhealthy habits and destructive patterns that block you from saying no and setting firm boundaries. 

 Boost your focus and increase your productivity with breath work techniques so you start getting more of your actual work done without feeling overwhelmed every time your phone rings or you are called into yet another meeting that could have been an email. 

 10x your energy levels and avoid the 2pm "I want to get into bed" slump with healthy morning habits that stabilize your energy throughout the day and leave you feeling more youthful and energetic in your body. 

 Navigate flooded inboxes and high-pressured deadlines with ease so you can enjoy more aspects of your work again. 

And that's just the tip of the iceberg... because it'll also help you create more time in your jam-packed day for yourself, your friends, your family and your work so you can finally start to enjoy that big paycheck you've got coming in every single month.

The secret to enjoying your life outside the office, feeling vibrant and energized in every inch of your body and loving the work you do is sustainable habits. 

When you're trying to balance a fast paced career and your personal well-being by constantly leaving the office late, saying yes when you mean no and feeling resentful because you can’t unplug from your phone, you're dancing on burnout quicksand. 

And if you want to feel more purpose driven in your career AND live a high vibe life outside the office in a healthy body without a constant knot in your stomach or the need to check your emails, certain sustainable habits are required. 

That's why I created Free 2 Flourish. 

This is for the woman who is ready for a lifestyle shift that fuels her drive for pursuing those big career goals while protecting her personal energy and prioritizing herself. 

 She is ready to step into a more youthful and energized body. 

 She is ready for a fulfilled career that has her jumping out of bed in the morning, sparks joy and reignites her purpose in why she does what she does. 

 She is ready to live a better quality of life after work with dinner dates, coffee on the porch, 30 minutes of a good book, or just doing whatever the hell she WANTS. 

 And she knows she is destined for more than laptops and meetings and is answering that inner calling to live a life that lights her soul on fire every single day.

What makes Free 2 Flourish unique?

This is the program where ancient yogic philosophy manages your demanding western lifestyle.

It is the perfect blend of structure and personalized support because I don't want you to only walk away with long lasting healthy habits that protect you from burnout (which you will), I also want you to leave feeling aligned and excited with your career and more in control of your precious time inside your personal life.

Now you might be thinking: “This sounds amazing, but I am constantly glued to my phone checking work emails and it’s impossible to find balance".

But you also know deep inside that success isn't only achieved by compromising your personal and mental health.

You know this big career was meant to feel more powerful and aligned than it currently does.

You know that your unhealthy habits are holding you back from living a purpose driven life you love and you are ready for sustainable habits that will allow you to go big in your career and protect your energy and overall well being.

That's why inside Free 2 Flourish, we focus on climbing the corporate ladder in a sustainable way. 

✨ Moving stagnant energy through your body through yoga, meditation and breath work

✨ Stacking habits through doable morning, midday and evening routines so that you can create up to an hour of more time in your day and enjoy your favorite Netflix show, dive into a good book or finally commit to that once a week date night! 

✨ Creating daily rituals around things you like and designing your life the way you love things done (not the way that things should be done) 

✨ Decluttering your thoughts and shifting your mindset within a couple of seconds whenever you find yourself going into a dark place through mindset reframe exercises 

✨ Evolving into a woman who embodies vitality and health inside your corporate career so you can expand into your dream promotion but still have time and headspace to unwind over a glass of wine with you partner 

✨ Leveraging the power of planning and task management so you can navigate a flooded inbox and high-pressured deadlines with ease 

✨ Refining the fundamentals of giving presentations, attending negotiations and interviewing for new jobs through public speaking and negotiation skills 

✨ Making your career unique by defining what the corporate ladder climb looks like for you

When you follow sustainable habits every day, here is what happens. 

You don’t have to compromise your mental and physical health to succeed at the office anymore, instead you: 

✨ Enjoy more career satisfaction through journaling and visualization so you wake up everyday overflowing with gratitude and fulfillment for your job and the people you work with

✨ Feel more in control of your schedule and unlock more flexibility and fun while standing firm in your boundaries without judgment of “having to do it all alone” 

✨ Unwind in the evening with your partner feeling relaxed and completely unplugged from the stresses at work

In just 12 weeks your entire work life balance could be transformed: 

✨ Claiming an extra hour everyday by waking up before your alarm so you can enjoy a slow peaceful morning. 

✨ Feeling more rested by falling asleep almost instantly, sleeping 8 hours a night and finally cutting down on your coffee consumption. 

✨ Actually enjoying your hard earned salary with more energy to live that high-vibe life outside the office. 

All while feeling on purpose in your work. 

The gateway? 

Sustainable habits.

And not just any sustainable habits... 


Simple, manageable but powerful sustainable habits that protect you from burning out while climbing the corporate ladder so you can find freedom, flexibility and fulfillment in a career you actually adore.

Here is a glimpse of what waits inside… 



In this phase you will learn the art of stacking sustainable habits through the 24 hours of your day.

We do this because
the habits you follow every day directly impact the amount of time you have during the day.

I will walk you through my 4 step method that creates and stacks pockets of time throughout the day so you can enjoy more flexibility inside your 9-5, get more work done in less time and live your high-vibe personal life outside of office hours.

By the end of this phase
, you'll know exactly how to identify and make the most of small pockets of time in your daily routine while staying committed to your sustainable habits.



In this phase you will learn how to unleash your growth mindset through yoga, meditation and journaling.

We do this because
these are some of the most essential life skills that you can master when you want to be in control of managing your energy.

I will walk you through 4 powerful sessions that help you shift into a growth mindset so you can start taking control of the things that happen in your life instead of wasting time reacting to the things that are outside of your control anyway.

By the end of this phase
, you will know exactly how to rewire your negative thoughts and stay calm, composed and compassionate even on days where you wake up to nasty emails and get stuck in traffic.



In this phase you will learn how to bring all your newfound yogic wisdom into play at the office.

We do this because yoga, meditation and breath work are like secret weapons that no one knows about in corporate.

I will walk you through the 4 corporate strategies that no one taught you in school so you can navigate flooded inboxes and high-pressured deadlines with ease and nail your big presentations, negotiations and interviews with girl boss energy. 

By the end of this phase, you will be equipped to build a high-powered career that you can sustain for years to come in a way that makes space for your health and happiness. 

The deets

👉 12 x live one hour coaching calls every week to help you discover more meaning and joy in your career

👉 Private WhatsApp support T-F for quick potent plug ins to ask your burning questions and keep you accountable and motivated on days when you need it the most

👉 Personalized material, including yoga practices, meditations, journal prompts, mindset exercises, reading material and weekly challenges to help you grow

👉 EUR 1,799
or 3 monthly installments of EUR 599 

(other personalized payment plans are available upon request)

👉 And so much more

Ready to transform your 9-5? 


Q It's a very busy time for me. I'm worried I won't have time to meet every week or complete the exercises. Do I need to follow week by week or can we go at a slower pace? 

This is your mentorship and your place. We will design the container in a way that fits into your daily and weekly schedule. The times when we meet are flexible and can be adjusted on a week by week basis. Your personalized yoga practice, exercises and homework will be fitted to your needs and the time you have available. 

Q How do the live calls work? 

All calls take place via Google Meet. I share the link with you latest the day before our call. 

Q I don't identify as a woman in corporate. Will Free 2 Flourish work for me? 

Send me a DM on Instagram at @manipurabylaura or write me an email at [email protected] and we can talk about whether this program is the right fit for you. 

What makes Free 2 Flourish different from all the other yoga programs out there?

A This is the program where ancient yogic philosophy manages your demanding western lifestyle. Inside Free 2 Flourish, I don't just teach you yoga and meditation. I help you rework your daily routines and fit these healthy rituals into a busy corporate schedule. I'm not just your average yoga teacher. I've spent several years in the corporate world and still operate a business and handle legal cases of my own. I know what it's like to be told "to just relax" when that feels like the last possible thing you could do. And inside Free 2 Flourish I provide you with realistic tools that you can easily use in your busy corporate life.

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