Join me for this 

liberating experience!!!!

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Ready to take back your power?

Have you noticed how capitalism inundates you with messages of scarcity and lack that keep you fearful, overwhelmed, and on a continuous treadmill of earning and spending money in order to survive? As much as corporations, the media, and even our government want us to believe that we exist in a world of scarcity, that simply is not the case.

We actually live in an abundant world. Maybe you’ve sensed glimmers of overlooked abundance in the ways forests continually enrich themselves or how many still usable items end up in our “waste” stream. The world around us is literally bursting with productive energy, yet we are continually fed messages of lack and shortages. Because those negative messages are so pervasive in our culture it’s imperative that we shift the way we think about money, wealth, and resources.

Part action plan, part group therapy, and a whole lot of out of the box thinking, this interactive workshop led by Laura Oldanie from Rich & Resilient Living, will cover strategies to help you better recognize and tap more of the wealth and resources already in your midst. Space is limited so click HERE to register today.

***Please Note - This is an INTERACTIVE workshop delivered via Zoom. ONLY register if you plan to join this live event and are eager to engage in discussion with strangers during a breakout session. Your registration for this event will be considered an indication of your willingness (and hopefully excitement) to actively engage. And of course, I would especially appreciate it if those who join the fun turn their cameras on if able so I can others can see your lovely face - that's in keeping with the spirit of this session. (In the future I will be trying to find ways to deliver this content to introverts or others who aren't comfortable with the interactive elements of this event.)

In order to protect participants' privacy I will likely NOT send out a recording of this event for those who don't make it on March 14 so keep that in mind if you register - if you have doubts about being able to join live you may want to sit this one out. 

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See You There!