If you have a small, medium, or large sized business, we can get your energy bill (electric and or gas bill) DRAMATICALLY lowered (sometimes by 50% or more than what you're currently paying per month) at NO COST and absolutely NO INTERRUPTION to your service!

What is Energy Deregulation?

Today, energy users in certain U.S. states can CHOOSE their energy provider, but that wasn’t always the case. For decades, every business electricity user could ONLY buy power from their local electrical utility...

But THE LAW changed that!

How to Reduce Your Energy Bill?

We are an independent contractor commercial energy referal agency that carefully refers businesses to high quality energy solution firms specializing in getting energy bills SIGNIFICANTLY reduced for businesses operating within twelve (12) specific States of the United States.

The 12 States are:






New Hampshire

New Jersey

New York



Rhode Island

Washington D.C.

If your business (or businesses) operates in ANY of the above energy deregulated States, we can help you.

The Power of Energy in YOUR Hands!

We proudly provide energy solutions for small, medium and large scale businesses. We give you access to a wide range of energy management services, including energy audits, energy efficiency upgrades, renewable energy solutions, and more.


Some of the industries we serve:

🔹️Food industry

(Pizza shops, Restaurants, Bars, Ice-Cream Parlors, Dairy Farms... etc)


(Roller Skating Rinks/Ice-Skating Rinks, Clubs, Movie Theaters, Amusement Parks... etc)

🔹️Manufacturing/Production Plants






We are one of the nation’s leading energy solutions referral firms that specializes in getting energy bills reduced for businesses.

Our services are designed to help businesses greatly reduce their energy costs and improve their environmental performance.

Through our strategic industry relationships, you will acquire substantially low-cost energy supply and other energy solutions for your business.

We are proud members of the United States Chamber of Commerce, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce, listed on the website of the Better Business Bureau and have been featured on popular prominent media platforms such as FOX, StarTribune BUSINESS, NBC, ABC, CBS and others.




Incredible Savings – It's Real!

Before connecting with their company, I dreaded seeing my monthly energy bills. However, after their thorough assessment and subsequent changes, my latest bill is a testament to their efficiency – reduced by more than half! Their team's guidance has not only saved me money but has also made our business noticeably more energy-efficient. Highly recommend!

Erika Reyes



Why Didn't I Do This Sooner?

I was very skeptical when I first heard about this. Saving 50% on my energy and gas bills sounded way too good to be true. But I humored myself and contacted the U.S. Chamber of Commerce whom they claimed to be members of... And it was true! They're the real deal! Here I am, three months later, with consistent reductions on my bills and a more eco-friendly business. Their team identified issues I didn't even know existed. The changes were straightforward, and the savings are undeniable. So grateful for their expertise! 

Ben Alessio



More than Just Savings!

They have been a revelation. After implementing their suggested measures, I've seen my business energy and gas bills plummet by over 50%! It's not just about the money (though that's a huge plus!); I feel good knowing I'm doing my part for the environment. Their team is knowledgeable, professional, and genuinely care about their clients. If you're looking to cut down on your bills, seriously, don't hesitate to reach out to them.

Kimberley Mayes