Do you feel like a plant outgrowing its pot, root bound, twisted around yourself and feeling stuck? Do you know you're meant for more than the life you find yourself in, but don't know how to transition into your liberated life?

My name is Violet, and I've been there. I am a therapeutic horticulturist and a certified life coach. I have extensive experience working with people in a healing capacity, and my goal with Grow With Violet is to use all of the skills I've acquired over the years to serve individuals on their self-liberation journey.

I have personally navigated outgrowing many of my own "pots", such as untangling from being raised in a cult, dysfunctional family dynamics, and unhelpful relationship patterns and limiting beliefs. Through my formal training in therapeutic horticulture and coaching, as well as my own practices of mindfulness and meditation, I am able to see clients deeply and clearly, and provide reflection and insight from a wide open heart.

I tailor my coaching programs to support your needs and goals. We'll work together to set the most supportive conditions for your growth and thriving.

Sign up below to book a free 30 minute discovery call to explore growing together. 

Take the time to cultivate your inner-garden

"May our heart's garden of awakening bloom with hundreds of flowers." -Thich Nhat Hanh

You're worth the time it takes to cultivate and tend to your most beautiful life. May the flowers of joy, love, courage and peace be in abundance in your inner-garden.

Your commitment to personal growth is so important in the grand scheme of collective growth. So let's grow together.