Transform your Hungarian with a dash of mentor magic 🪄

What happens when a regular course or private lessons end? You feel totally lost, unsure of what to do next. That won’t happen with this mentoring program! You’ll become a confident, self-driven language learner—focused on impressing yourself, and no one else.

It will also give you everything you've been lacking: routine, structure, consistency, progress, self-reliance and support.

The only perfect time is now.

Are you struggling with the same problems on repeat?

Useless private lessons

You've been taking private lessons but you don't really see a structure, you don't have a strategy, you don't know where you're going and you have no idea how to study on your own. (But at least it's cheap.)

Not setting good goals

You think "talking with my friends", "watching movies in Hungarian" are good goals. You don't know how to set actual goals and build a plan around them that helps you reach them super fast!!

Not being consistent

You take long breaks sometimes and then it's a pain in the ass to start all over again. You think it's impossible to study every day, that's just not happening. Who has time for that?? No one, right? Right?...

Not having support

Your partner or friends have no idea how to answer your questions, how to talk to you at your level. They just hit you with "Hungarian is very difficult haha". You've come so far but no one understands.

Not having a good system

You just randomly learn this and that here and there, do some exercises but you don't have a system that supports your goals. Even when you put in effort you still don't see much progress.

Not having the right mindset

You want everything fast, you can't accept the fact that the ONLY secret recipe for reaching fluency is consistent studying. You have no idea how to enjoy the ride, you just want it done.

I'm here to help you connect

Do you feel left out when your family and friends speak Hungarian? I understand completely.

My husband is Mexican, and I live in El Paso on the Mexican border. My Spanish is far from fluent, and for a long time, I was terrified to be alone with my Spanish-speaking relatives or ordering food in front of them with my basic A2-level knowledge. I wanted to hide and study alone until I felt fluent enough to speak.

Then I shifted my focus. Why was I studying Spanish? To impress others with my grammar or to communicate with my family?

The answer was embarrassingly clear. After changing my mindset and setting new goals, I now look forward to talking with my father-in-law and I'm not scared anymore when I'm left alone with abuela. We've grown closer, and I'm happy I can show I care.

You don't need to wait until you speak perfectly. It's possible to have conversations at a lower level with a bit of strategy. It's time to join the conversations and even start them! Let me show you how!

✨ Mentees said ✨

I tested the program with the help of three learners at different levels (A1, A2, B1) for 5-10 weeks. I shaped the program based on their feedback and I became even more sure that it works.

Sziszi’s mentoring program forced me outside my comfort zone!  I was stuck and it was just the push I needed to start formulating my own sentences and speaking. The program was tailored to my life, hobbies, and interests. The daily tracker and tasks helped me to do a little each day, and feel I was making progress. The Whatsapp messages made it feel so personal, almost like having an ongoing chat with a dear friend. The speaking/listening tasks helped me work on my pronunciation. Sziszi’s grammar explanations are easy to understand and tailored to your personal level.  I recommended this program for anyone feeling stuck and wanting to advance to the next level!

Nicole, USA (A1)

After months with different private teachers, I wasn’t making progress or enjoying learning. This program changed that by showing me a new way to learn Hungarian without forcing daily practice. It helped me build a routine and focus on topics that matter to me. With Sziszi’s help, I set goals, created a plan, and now I practice weekly without the pressure of perfection. So many people make lots of materials for beginners in Hungarian, but only a few help to go on with studying and structuring it. This program supports continued learning and structuring, making it perfect for A2 to B2 learners who want flexibility and direction.

Natalia, Russia (A2+)

This mentorship program is probably the best thing you can do for yourself when learning a language. Aside from gaining new language skills, it teaches you how to learn. My goal was to extend my vocabulary and feel more confident talking to my Hungarian friends and in-laws. This is not an easily measurable goal, but I do feel my improvement. Since I could pick topics that are relevant to me, I noticed that I got better pretty much the next time the topics came up—and it is a great feeling. Also, now I have an idea of how to continue this learning journey on my own after the mentorship ends. Just beware that you will get from the program as much as you put in—there is no spoon-feeding approach, meaning you have to put in your time and energy to make it work.

Šarūnė, Lithuania (B1+)

I'll be your cheerleader 🫶

After I got my Master's degree in teaching Hungarian as a second language (in 2018) I spent years unlearning almost everything I was taught. As a teacher, I don't think the most important thing for me to do is create fill-in-the-gaps worksheets, explain grammar, and follow the curriculum of a textbook that's not even relevant vocabulary for 90% of the population.

You can fill in the gaps without me, you can read the grammar explanation without me, you can follow the book without me. That's not why you need a teacher.

I want to save you a lot of time and energy by giving you the right tools and mindset for successful Hungarian learning. I want you to know that you'll never have to learn anything that you can't use in real life. I want to show you how much you're capable of, I want to teach you how to study independently, I want to give you a personalized strategy and be there for you when you're having a hard time.

Proof of my effective cheerleading

"Hungarian with Sziszi inspired me to take on a huge challenge, completely changing the way I practiced Hungarian and giving my language skills a huge boost. It's really quite simple, but Sziszi got me started practicing every single day."

Tara Gadomski, USA

(excerpt from her blog post)

This mentoring program is for you, if...

  • You are at least A2 level (pre-intermediate)

  • You want to learn colloquial Hungarian

  • You want to learn Hungarian to connect with your family/friends, because you live in Hungary or learning Hungarian is your hobby

  • You've been trying to learn on your own but you struggle with being consistent

  • You've been learning for a while now and it doesn't seem to be effective

  • You need a structure and routine but you don't know how to build it

  • You are serious about learning Hungarian

  • You are dedicated and ready to put in the work and effort

  • You want to learn more about how to study individually

  • You believe consistent self-study is the secret recipe

This mentoring program is NOT for you if...

  • You are a complete beginner or have very basic knowledge (you can't put sentences together yet)

  • You want to learn specific Hungarian vocabulary for school or work (e.g. medical, formal language)

  • You want old-fashioned private lessons

  • You don't want to study on your own just in class

  • You want to prepare for an interview or exam

  • You are not a serious learner who is committed to learning for months and years

  • You're seeking an easy way to achieve fluency

  • You prefer using language learning mobile apps for fun instead of making serious progress toward your language goals

How does it work?

This mentoring program is all about empowering you to continue your learning journey independently after we wrap up. I want you to feel confident and self-reliant, not dependent on teachers or constant guidance. Learning is ultimately for you, not for impressing someone else. The only person you need to impress in the long run is yourself!

8 weeks | Foundation and setup

In the first 8 weeks, we'll lay the groundwork for your success. I’ll handle the initial setup, create a customized study plan, and organize everything to kickstart your journey. While I'll take on most of the responsibility at this stage, I'll also begin guiding you towards greater independence, gradually teaching you how to manage your learning process effectively.

4 weeks | Transition and guidance

The following four weeks you will start writing your own study plans with my supervision and support. I'll still correct everything for you, send and listen to voice messages etc., be there for you every day, but you'll be responsible for putting the plan together for the week. (By this time after 8 weeks, it'll be easy peasy.) I'll also start to prepare you for how to continue this routine you built during the program alone on the long-run.

+ 5 weeks | Follow-up

During the 5-week follow-up, I'll check in with you once a week to ensure you're staying on track, even without my constant presence. I'll still be available for any questions or guidance you need. Plus, you'll get one forty-minute Zoom meeting included to keep everything on course.

After the program

You’ll gain all the tools, knowledge, and mindset you need to keep progressing and break free from outdated educational systems. A new, successful language learner version of yourself will emerge—someone who’s focused on impressing only yourself, not anyone else.

What is included exactly?

Here's a list of things that are included but what we do depends on the mentee, so this is a little bit more flexible than the description. We'll figure out what works best for you, and what you enjoy the most. Don't worry—it's my job to ask the right questions and determine what you need. We'll be in touch all the time on Whatsapp or Telegram and we'll also have Zoom meetings so I'll be there for you the whole time.

We’ll start with the list below and build on it, experimenting as we go to help you shape your own study routine.

Goal setting

We'll narrow down your goal as much as possible with the right questions and build everything around it. You'll see the power of good goal setting very fast and you'll be surprised how fast you'll reach them one by one.

Personalized study plan

You'll receive a weekly study plan for eight weeks that covers all four skills, with adjustments if needed (e.g., skipping writing). I provide the plan week by week to ensure we stay aligned with your goals. Before each new week, I'll check in to see if you need more time with the current material, want to move on, or wish to focus on a specific area.

Personalized material

We'll work with authentic material only based on your level, that either I'll create or I'll find for you online (texts, dialogues, podcasts, voice messages, transcription, videos etc.) We'll also create a list of your interests, to make sure we don't do anything irrelevant or boring for you.


You will get assignments throughout the week according to your needs. I'll give you the plan for the week for eight weeks and you can decide which day you do what. Assignments can be: sending me a voice message, writing sentences with new words from audio/texts, writing longer texts, listening to my feedback and making notes of your mistakes, reading, watching videos, reacting to my voice messages, reviewing weekly material, chatting with me on Whatsapp/Telegram, writing a dialogue, listening to a podcast etc.


We'll have Zoom meetings every other week (40 min). You can use this meeting for whatever you'd like to. Asking questions that are easier to answer in person, practice talking about a certain topic, practice some new words, talk about mindset, methods, your progress, things you'd like to change, requests, etc.

We keep in touch on WhatsApp or Telegram almost every day. I'll send feedback about everything you did, motivate you and I'll be available in case you need me.

Google Drive

You'll have your own Google Drive folder that includes the followings:

  • Excel sheet with your tracker you have to fill in, your weekly tasks, ideas for reviewing material and space for asking questions.

  • Google Document where I answer your questions (grammar, vocab etc.) throughout the week.

  • Google Document where you write your written assignments and get corrections.

  • Google Document with your mistakes and corrections from voice messages

  • Excel sheet with new word list and example sentences.

  • Material (audios with transcription)

We can always add to these if you need anything else.

This mentoring program is for three people only.

I want to make sure every mentee has my full attention and this can only be achieved with a small number of mentees. If you want to make sure to get notified via email when there is a free spot, sign up here. After signing up you'll receive a questionnaire. I'll contact everyone as soon as possible who filled it out and let them know if we can work together.

Think of this program as an investment in your freedom.

You’ll learn how to study independently, breaking free from the limitations of the traditional, outdated educational system.

No more wasting money on endless courses or private lessons—you’ll have the skills to take charge of your own progress!


590 USD / 6 weeks x 2

+ 5 weeks follow-up for free


Intro Zoom meeting, analyzing questionnaire for goal setting, interests, and learning style, creating a different weekly study plan for 8 weeks, teaching you how to put together your own plan, creating and finding material according to personal needs, teaching you how to find material for yourself, putting a list together with material according to your level and interest, giving weekly assignments (3-5) according to needs,40-minute Zoom meetings every other week, consistent support, being in touch on Whatsapp/Telegram, answering any question, giving explanations within 1-2 business days, text correction with comments, listening to voice messages, giving feedback, making notes of your mistakes with comments in a Google Document, sending voice messages (using the vocabulary or grammar you need), checking your tracker and progress, helping if you're stuck, helping you stay on track, organizing your study-material in a Google Drive folder, teaching you how to keep going on your own after the program ends, follow-up for five weeks after the program ends (follow-up email/message once a week +1 Zoom meeting)

Payment options:

Wise, bank transfer to US account, Zelle

I want to show you that with the right approach, you'll be unstoppable. I'm eager to help you get started, and I believe that after 4 months together in this mentoring program, you'll be ready to continue on your own, having built the routines and skills you need.

I believe in you and your abilities. It's okay to need a little push when you feel lost and powerless. I'll be there to support you until you're ready to do it alone.

I can't wait to see you grow and hear all your success stories as you reach your goals.

I'm so excited for you ❤️


Can I join if I'm a complete beginner?

This program was not designed for complete beginners. You can join from A1+/A2 level, around pre-intermediate.

Can I pay in installments?

Please note that a payment of $590 is required before starting the program. And the other $590 will be due at the beginning of the sixth week. This policy is in place to ensure that I work with highly dedicated individuals who are committed to the program and unlikely to quit prematurely.

How long is the program duration?

12 + 5 weeks, around 4 months. I'm going to help you more and put everything together for you while teaching you how to do it for 8 weeks. Then for 4 weeks, you'll put your plans together based on what you learned. I'll still be there answer any questions, correct your texts, sending and listening to voice messages etc. but I won't be the one putting your plan together. I'll supervise and support you. Then after the program ends, I'll message you once a week for five weeks to ask how studying is going without me being present all the time. I'll still help you and answer any questions about how to keep going on your own. One follow-up Zoom meeting is included as well.

How fast am I going to reach the next level with this program?

If you are focused on knowing your language proficiency level, your mindset may not be aligned with the goals of this program. The only time you need to know your level is when taking a language exam. This program is tailored for individuals who want to learn colloquial Hungarian to communicate with family and friends. The vocabulary required varies for each person based on their interests, jobs, and personal conversations. You might learn a basic word at a higher level if you never needed it before or know a complex word at a lower level because it's commonly used in your family. You might be learning Hungarian to communicate with your mother-in-law, spouse, or friends, each involving different topics of conversation. Instead of focusing on proficiency levels, think about the practical usage of the language and what you need it for.

I recommend not fixating on your proficiency level unless you are preparing for an exam or purchasing a leveled book. In this program, we will work together to identify your specific, clearly defined goals and help you achieve them. It's okay if you are not sure about your goals except for wanting to speak Hungarian more fluently. That's what I'm here for, we'll dig a little deeper and set goals that are possible to reach within a few weeks or even sooner ☺️

Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied?

If you diligently follow the agreed-upon study plan for the first six weeks and find that you haven't made progress or found it beneficial, I will offer a refund. Please note, refunds will not be provided if you change your mind halfway through or do not adhere to the study plan.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up to the waiting list here by adding your name and e-mail address and you will get an email with a questionnaire right away. After filling it out I will contact you as soon as possible. I'm looking forward to working with you 🥰

What happens if I need to take a break during the program?

There are no breaks within the six weeks covered by your payment. In special cases such as vacations, holidays, or illness, we can arrange a break. However, the program is designed for continuous learning, emphasizing the importance of consistency in studying Hungarian. The goal is to help you incorporate language learning into your routine, even during busy or tiring times, because waiting for the perfect moment is not practical. Learning to fit your studies into your regular schedule is an essential part of the process.

What is the purpose of this mentoring program?

The program aims to teach you how to study independently, efficiently and consistently. You will learn to establish a routine, create structure, and set specific goals with action plans to achieve them. After completing the program you will be equipped to continue on your own, having developed the necessary routines and skills. However, if you feel you need continued guidance and support, you are welcome to stay in the program for 12 more weeks.

Can I prepare for citizenship/naturalization interview with this program?

No, I do not provide interview preparation. This program is designed for individuals who wish to learn colloquial Hungarian to communicate with family members and friends.

Once you sign up, you’ll receive an email with a questionnaire to fill out as part of the sign-up process. I’ll let you know if you qualify for the mentoring program and if there’s space available🤞🏼

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