If only there was something like Grammarly, but for checking your content is accessible and inclusive.

...Oh wait, there is

mock up of a mobile phone with the front page of the Inclusive Content Toolkit. Behind is a mock up of a computer screen showing the checklist page of the Inclusive Content Toolkit.
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This is essentially your 'no excuses not to do this' guide to making your business better for everyone. Sim's made it piss easy to follow
Nadia Amer, Copywriter and Business Strategist

Think of it as a downloadable DEI Consultant

I’ve reviewed a lot of content. I’m like an inclusive eagle, spotting content that unintentionally excludes people from 2 miles away.

And I’ve put everything I look for into this easy-to-use guide.

This isn’t a 5 page PDF that’ll still leave you scratching your head about what you need to do. It tells you what you need to do, why and exactly how (step by step).

This isn’t a read it once and then forget about it in the PDF graveyard folder you have. You’ll return to it again and again.

And most importantly, it’ll move you into taking action to be more accessible and inclusive from the very next piece of content you create (whether that’s for you or your clients. Social media VAs, I’m looking at you)

It's down to earth (funny, human, sweary) while also being fiercely practical
Karen Robinson, founder of The Flockist

All the snazzy sh*t included:

👉 19 things you can do to make your content accessible so more people can see, hear or read what you've got to say​

👉 16 things to watch out for in your messaging so you don't unintentionally exclude people​. Each section tells you what it is, why it matters and exactly how to do it (including examples, screenshots and helpful resources)​

👉 A printable 'at a glance' one page checklist so you can give your content a once-over before you hit post​

👉  Updated versions of the toolkit. As I learn, so do you. ​

👉  A forever (or as long as I run them) invite to my client-only co-working sessions which happen every 2 months.

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It helps you to actually DO something rather than just keep thinking about doing something
Sam Kirk, Marketing and Business Coach

Accessible pricing options

The full price of the toolkit is £45. 

If paying £45 would mean financial hardship and you’re committed to building a more inclusive biz, well I’m not gonna stand in your way.

If that’s not do-able (even after prioritising the toolkit over another non-essential expenses), feel free to use one of the following codes at checkout:

TWENTY - to buy the toolkit for £20

TEN - to buy the toolkit for £10