Worried about the rise in Jew hatred?

Feeling like it's a crazy world since October 7th?

You're not alone.

Do you feel like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? 

With the rise in antisemitism worldwide, the situation in Israel, and the transformation on many college campuses, it can be overwhelming. 

Add to that the continued denial about October 7 and the deafening silence from some people you thought were your allies or friends.

Suddenly, you're thrust into this new role of representing the entire Jewish people and Israeli government.

And if you're a parent, your kids might be coming home with tough questions and even tougher experiences. 

It can make you feel like you're losing your mind. 

What's happening? How are you supposed to take care of your family? Yourself?

The months since October 7 have been an awakening for many of us. 

While there are incredible examples of people rising to the occasion with bravery, conviction, and determination, too many of us are struggling, uncertain, worried, and stuck.

Enter *Jewish Superpowers*

I’ve been working with clients as a certified positive psychology coach and life coach since 2018, specifically helping them discover their strengths and ‘superpowers’ to transform their lives and careers.

I love strengths work, and not just for the people I work with; but for my family and me too.

Strengths play a huge role in anything you want to achieve, yet so many of us are totally unaware that we even have any strengths at all.

And while I've always focused on helping my clients tap into their individual strengths, with the state of the world recently, I started to wonder about the collective strengths of the Jewish people - superpowers that all of us possess, even if we aren't necessarily expressing or even aware of them right now. 

What could these shared strengths be that might help us feel stronger in a world that often wants us to feel weak?

After much reflection, I identified five of them.  You’ll recognize each one, but I bet you’ve never thought of them as superpowers before.

I hope you'll see that even though we all share these superpowers, we can express them in our own unique ways, tailored to our individual situations.

It's about strength on both the micro level and the macro level.

Because we are both amazing individuals AND we are a family.

We are unique souls AND we are a people.

By the end of this webinar, I hope you’ll realize that you have tremendous power inside you, right now, ready to help you navigate the storm around us.

In this ever-changing world, we need to be even braver.

Make harder decisions.

Take bigger risks.

For me, that means shifting my business to focus on my fellow MOTs—my brothers and sisters in the Tribe.

What are YOU feeling called to be brave about? 

What hard decisions do you need to make? 

What risks are you willing to take?

Please join me in this free webinar, where we’ll uncover these amazing superpowers together. I know they can help you—and your family—navigate today’s challenges with strength and hope.

In under 45 minutes, you’ll discover:

- The five Jewish superpowers within you 🌟

- How to harness them for yourself and your family 😍

- Practical tips to face today's world with more confidence + calmness 🌍

You are stronger than you think, and together, we can - and will! - rise above the chaos.