What do I get when I join?

+ Over 40 practical workshops in our Classroom, that you can watch and action at your own pace
+ Brand new workshops each month to take part in live, or watch on replay
+ Supporting resources so you’re not having to reinvent the wheel
+ Access to the Clubhouse - our small business community where you can ask questions, learn and be supported on your journey
+ 7 days of FREE membership so you can see if the Small Business club is right for you

Who is this for?

+ Busy small business owners who want to access practical advice and support to grow their business

We are a positive, supportive community who want to grow and thrive, individually and together. We absolutely will hold you accountable and help you to achieve your goals. We know that success looks different for everyone and it is only by getting to know you that we can support you to achieve what is right for you.
We absolutely will not promise you that you will achieve ‘6 figure months’ overnight, or that it won’t take work. We are realistic, practical and positive - and we believe that you can achieve amazing things when supported by the right people (aka a bunch of small business women who all have your back and amazing experts who can show you how to take your business to the next level!)