Members of the local and wider community regularly meet to debate important topics of our time.
The topics currently include those listed below.
To join any of the debates simply register using the RESERVATION links.
If you would like to be kept informed about the debates held in the town
- debates already held and/or those to come in the evolving programme -
or are interested to receive Debate Summaries published for each debate
- detailing what was debated with supporting external references -
then do subscribe to receive all these details using the SUBSCRIBE link below.
The debates are held in Malmesbury at the Town Hall on Market Lane, Cross Hayes.
They generally take place on a Thursday evening - lasting 2hrs - starting promptly at 7.30pm.
It is more than appropriate that Malmesbury should host debates of this nature.
Malmesbury was once a centre of philosophy and a centre of power.
It was once the home of the philosopher Thomas Hobbes.
It is the resting place of King Athelstan in 939.
Below are listed the topics in our debate programme.
Each debate builds from the ground covered in previously
held debates, progressing the dialogue and learning process.
To get up to speed on current debates, simply SUBSCRIBE to access previous Debate Summaries and related articles.
As a society we've reached a most interesting point in time. We've all observed in the last few years so many things which are wrong with our world and they're in addition to all the things which we already knew were wrong. Listing them is hardly necessary, but they include things like lack of clean water, lack of food and housing, inequality, oppressive government, failing education and healthcare systems - as well as harms being caused to our eco-system and the unbridled march of technology without due assessment and regulation. We can also add for final measure, the lacks of servant leadership, conflict resolution and peace in our world.
There is no political agenda or bias connected with the debates - but instead a refreshing attitude of being honest with ourselves.
We've seen that our elected representatives, of every political colour, have failed to shape our society and our planet as it can be.
Up to this time, we have ourselves been guilty of failure too - since we've contributed to this position - simply by not acting before.
In essence, we've relied for too long on elected representatives - working within inadequate and limited administrative systems.
These debates are viewed as a way of firstly engaging people's interest, then garnering their creativity, their insight and passion, to help bring about positive change in the world - based on truth and transparency - starting at ground zero with our very selves.
These debates are not talking shops for off-loading strong views of discontent. Instead, see them as more like - THINK TANKS.
They are staged for the single purpose of considering what's wrong in society and needs terminating - so allowing to come forward what is right, just and needs replicating. The process begins with describing in word pictures what it is we all want within our society for each other. And don't think anyone is excluded - since everyone with a voice will have something to contribute to the change.
It's been shown that healthcare is out of balance with society's needs. The mainstream approach ignores our body's natural ability to heal itself. Our bodies strive for balance and harmony and with that achieved, good health and wellbeing is more easily attained.
This debate is about identifying what it is we all want and need - taking a look at all the possibilities available.
Our children are our most precious gift. They bring joy and light into our world and teach us so much. Our care and nurturing of them - by all of society - is paramount and our first duty as adults. Our duty includes teaching them what they need to know and facilitating their discovery of their own path forward in life, guided by the gifts and abilities they bring.
Food is one of three fundamental life sustaining elements, next to water and the air we breathe. We all need to
ensure we not only have enough to eat but that our food nourishes us. Food is inextricably connected to our health. How we produce food and distribute it needs to be sustainable and in harmony with nature - not only for ourselves but for our children's future.
The story surrounding energy and its generation is fascinating. There are few subjects today that are more contentious than this one - Energy! What we are told in the media doesn't match the evidence presented by a great many scientists. There is no better time to be realistic about society's current needs - and the truth about energy generation.
Our environment is everything - but the way humans care for it makes no sense. The issues are almost endless but include plastic in our oceans, sewage in our rivers, agricultural chemicals in our soil and other toxins in the water we drink and air we breathe. Politicians have failed to deal with these issues. The solutions are in the People's hands.
What the world has been witnessing - particularly in recent years - is a reduction in our freedoms. Freedoms of expression in the form of protests, the written and spoken word and - on the horizon now - freedom of movement. At a personal level, the loss of freedom is detrimental to our health and wellbeing - and for our society, it's a closing down and a backward step.
Conflict does not exist in advanced civilisations. Grown-Up Intelligent Societies never dream of resorting to conflict to settle disputes. Conflict causes disharmony, often with devastating and lasting effects. Instead, intelligent debate, tuned to conflict resolution guidelines, is the answer. The goals are fairness and - above all - truth, honesty and justice.
We can thank the industrial revolution - and capitalism - for driving society to where it is today - albeit with its major imperfections. Have we now reached a point where capitalism has largely run its course - to be replaced by a refreshingly fair, just and intelligent system of progression, based on public ownership of our public infrastructure? Let's explore the idea!
The inadequacies of our society have been spotlighted in the recent years. They include inequality, corruption, distortion of facts, erosion of values and far more. Awakening begins with a realisation of this truth and the engagement of us all in the design of a society where we all benefit and thrive. We now have the opportunity for a new - and more spiritual - beginning!
By subscribing you will receive information about the debates.
Information will include Debate Summaries, programmes and related articles.
Please let us know which debates/themes you would like to hear about.
Do note, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription.
If you'd like to:
Nominate a subject for debate, or
Share your ideas or thoughts on these debates, or
Perhaps be a Debate Host in Malmesbury or elsewhere
- then please reach out to us!
Thank you for getting in touch!
One of our team will get back to you shortly.
Have a great day!