Hi there. I'm Keith. I've been making games professionally since 2007! I'm currently working on my most ambitious project yet: THROUGH BROKEN LAND, an expansive RPG inspired by Final Fantasy.
You can find more posts about the game over at my blog.
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I want to make games that are evergreen. Games that keep surprising you after years of playing them. Games that feel rewarding and challenging to play, while also big and messy and zany enough to still feel playful. Here's a few games I've designed in the past:
A two-player card tactical bumping card game that takes place in the the Gem Wizards universe. Pick a Wizard and bump the opponent off the end of the bridge, into the maw of a Dragon! Kickstarted in 2019.
The endlessly replayable and deep turn-based tactical Rogue-like from Dinofarm Games. Bump monsters into the water, get huge combos, and rank up!