Inspired by her grandparents (5 in total which I thought was completely normal growing up) who dedicated their lives to service, as homemakers, carers, kindergarten teacher, scientist and doctor, Naureen found herself drawn to service. She found her place in hospitality and is now on a mission for gender balance for the industry.

In her grandparents honour, Naureen is offering three free group coaching sessions on inspiring inclusive leadership  in July: 11 / 18 / 25

These sessions are an opportunity to offer inspiration, spark conversation and an exchange of experiences. And are open to all genders, as it is together we can make an impact on gender balance.

Topics that will be discussed:

  • Leadership
  • Building inclusive cultures
  • Active listening
  • Mentoring vs sponsorship
  • Raising awareness to gender biases
  • Being curious and asking questions
  • And more…lets see how much we can cover across the three days

These sessions will be held online and when you sign up below, Naureen will send you the zoom invites. The groups will be limited to 5 pax only, so it will be on a first come first serve basis on the day. We will be together for an hour.

What Naureen asks in exchange is feedback on the session and inspiration for when she launches a formal group coaching program to inspire inclusive leadership for the hospitality industry in September.

Wishing you an inspired day!
