Build routines that work for your life, not someone else's!

Routine Builder Worksheets

Routines free up precious time and energy, and who couldn't use more of both? The internet is full of other people's ideal routines—what works for them. But do you know what works for you?

The truth is, daily life throws us curve balls and anything-but-routine disruptions. How can we expect to reap the benefits of a consistent routine when life never stays the same? Here's how. First, you decide what is important to you (not what's important to your mom or best friend), and why those things are important to you. Then you can get creative with how you incorporate those daily items into your life. 

The Daily Routines worksheets will help you set your intentions and craft your days. 

P.S. If you haven't already, check out this post about making morning routines, why they often don't work, and the perspective switch that can help us prioritize what's most meaningful.

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