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What is Dr. Makeba & Friends - Healing Hands All About?

We are a holistic wellness center based in the Pittsburgh area of Atlanta that facilitates balance in the body, mind, and soul for humans and their pets. Using the power of Reiki, intuitive healing, and our collective spiritual gifts, Dr. Makeba aims to help you experience much-needed breakthroughs in all aspects of your life.

Discover the Love and Light in You

Do you ever feel lost, alone, or scared? Have you lost your passion or creativity? Do you feel under-appreciated or confused? Does worry about the future cripple you at times? Have you gotten so used to "not feeling” or "not knowing” that you assume it’s just part of life?

Are you just a little tense or stressed, or experiencing any pain in your body? Or, maybe you need a quick chakra alignment?

You need love. We ALL need love. We need love in the same way that we need food and water. Reiki Energy is LOVE Energy, that’s why Reiki can help.

In a Reiki & a Reading Energy Boost (30 minutes) or Power Hour (60 minutes) Session, experience energy healing techniques, learn some of your metaphysical gifts, if applicable, and connect with your Higher Self, God, your Spirit Guides, and/or an ancestor or two! 

Are you in need of a mind, body, and soul reset?

If so, you're in the right place! Start the New Moon, New You FREE 7-day Spiritual Cleanse & Energetic Clearing! It’s a self-guided cleanse designed to clear the path to self-healing so that you can SHINE YOUR LIGHT more brightly and MANIFEST your destiny more clearly.

Get Reiki Certified!

Tap Into Your Personal Power with Reiki 1 & 2 Certification!

This is perfect for you if you: 

  • are curious about energy in the body and how it works 
  • heard about Reiki or energy healing and feel called to explore
  • someone you know is experiencing pain or medical treatment & you want to see how energy healing can help 
  • learned reiki and want to brush up or learn a new reiki perspective

Learn more and sign up for the next class!