Customer Value Acceleration Guide

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Make Predictable New Product Growth

Your Superpower

One of the biggest reasons new products fail is starting with an idea and looking for product-market fit instead of starting with a problem that customers will gladly pay to solve. 

Customers only buy new products that help them make more money in some very specific ways. So the Customer Value Lens guides you through the process of identifying the problems that are limiting customers from making more money. 

Of course, you need to make money too, so it also includes steps for identifying what customers should be willing to pay as well as evaluating whether developing the product is the best use of your new product resources. The guide finishes with some considerations for the kind of resistance you might expect from participants across the value chain so you can avoid nasty surprises later. 

As with all our resources it's based on the key accelerators that we've implemented in industrial businesses across the world. Accelerators that have helped increase launch value by more than 40%. The same ones outlined in my Amazon best selling books - Simplifying Innovation & Unlocking Innovation Productivity

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