Monday Morning Meditations

'Love in the midst of everyday life'

07.00 - 07.30 am (UK)

4th November - 9th December 2024

This next series of Monday Morning meditations starts on Monday 4th November and runs every week to 9th December.

The theme will be 'Love in the midst of everyday life'.

Let's start the week with love!

As I pondered the focus for this next 6 weeks the word love kept re-emerging. Love in the broadest sense of the word points to an openness, to unconditional recognition of what is, to presence. The word points to a quality that can’t really be captured by its name, yet we know what it is when it emerges from the stillness, spaciousness, timelessness that meditation invites us into. A quality not dependent on the state of the world yet one that nonetheless the world seems to need. Some say we live on a continuum between fear and love; others say the opposite of fear is love, while love has no opposite. So, let’s see what we can discover with the body, the breath, stillness, silence and our hearts to fall into being in love.

Meditation is living with awareness – the practice of meditation is learning how. Meditation can open space to intersect the hyper-reactivity and hyper-vigilance of our habitual ways of living and open us up to sense deeper qualities in life, with intention. My intention is bringing the qualities of meditation into the heart of our everyday life and what better way to start than on a Monday morning nurturing the quality of love?

How it works

This is a Zoom-based course suitable both for those new to meditation and to those wanting to explore their practice further.

Each session will involve a meditation of around 30 minutes in which you can sit, stand, walk or stay in bed! Wherever you want to be. We tend to have cameras off so you really can be with your experience where you are.

Each week is recorded and recordings made available after the meditations for those preferring to practice later in the day!

Register your place

Add your details to the registration form below and you'll receive an email straight away containing the Zoom access details we'll use for all 6 sessions. 

I'll also send you an email after each session with the link to the recording of the meditation.


There is no cost for these sessions and instead I ask, if you are able, that you make a donation to a charity. It’s hard to choose a charity right now. A charity that touched my heart through a personal connection is the Linda Norgrove Foundation – they are not claiming to change the world, they are simply offering what they can for young women and families in Afghanistan.

You can donate to them here:!/DonationDetails

Or perhaps you prefer a different charity.

© Will Medd 2024