I reached for my phone first thing when I woke up, later than my preferred time.

It wasn't the start I wanted.

Despite knowing what's good for me, distractions and this invisible force of resistance seems to pull me 'off track' regularly.

In what seems like an increasingly noisy world, how do we work with ourselves?

Join me on a 7-Day Adventure of CONNECTION + CREATION before consumption.

Meet the Creator & Guide of this Adventure

Some of My Favourite Topics
I Write About & Explore on My Substack Blog

Natural Living

Feet On The Earth

A Modern Human's Guide To Conditioning And Preparing The Feet, Body & Mind For Barefoot Walking

Natural Movement

Breaking Free From The Sedentary Norm

Integrate Natural Movement Into Daily Life

Body's Wisdom

How The Modern World Made Us Forget These 3 Natural Instincts

Modern civilisation has driven us to forget our most innate instincts.

It's time we re-discover 3 of them.