Stressed out NDIS Provider?

Keep Calm and Keep Claiming!
Grab our free NDIS Claims Cheat Sheet here.

You've got clients to help, reports to write, a family to feed.
You need to get paid but the NDIS portal gives you a headache just thinking about it!
Why is there never enough funding? How to keep track of what's still outstanding?

Imagine having a step by step process to follow each week to help keep track of what to do and when.

This FREE claiming cheat sheet is an easy to follow PDF to help you go from service agreement to money in the bank without the late nights and migraines.


  • Definitions of commonly used terms and abbreviations.
  • Visual workflow diagram
  • Explanation of the timing and process steps for the key 4  stages of claiming for NDIS services

Get the instant download

Want to know more?

Hi, I am

Nerin from Positively Sorted

We assist Allied Health and Disability Support business owners to reduce their heavy admin load.

We assist NDIS Providers with:
* Training for admin staff,
* Finding trained VA's to outsource to.
This helps our clients to focus on growing their business and helping their participants.

    We assist Australian VA's with:
    * Training in admin and billing processes specific to the NDIS,
    * A supportive community for help and advice for the challenges of offering NDIS admin as a service. 

    Our streamlined process have been developed over 5+ years experience working with clients and training my own team who are often fully booked.