New Moon Circle for Transformative Women, September 4: Alignment

Dear transformative woman, 

I see how much you are doing behind the scenes. I see your devotion to your healing path. I know you are yearning to be seen and heard.

New Moon Circle is a safe space to share in sisterhood all the ways we are navigating the challenges and initiations of our lives and relationships. It is a place to be witnessed just as you are.

In this sacred space we leave our masks at the door and enter a temple space where we can be real, and connect woman to woman in ways unavailable in our family and work lives.

Why the New Moon? Because this is when the slate of our emotions can be wiped clean and a a portal opens for us to invite new intentions for the cycle to come.

Each new moon we will invite deepening and sharing on a topic that is a growth edge for us as transformative, spiritual women.

On Wednesday September 4th, our topic will be ALIGNMENT. 

We'll explore what is worth our energy and where it wants to flow, plus what is not worth our energy and how to tell where we are out of alignment with our greatest good. 

What needs to be cut away to bring you into that sweet spot of divine flow? What are you  attached to that isn't serving your highest good? We'll tackle the difficult questions and decisions we all must make.

New Moon circles have been a crucial spiritual component of women’s lives for thousands of years. It is time we reclaim the divine feminine medicine provided in these alchemical cauldrons.

Brought to you by Goddess Temple Central Coast, we honor each woman as a vessel of the goddess. We are an inclusive space for all women and femme identified folks.

Facilitated by Charlotte Eléa Dovechild, a ceremonial priestess and circle facilitator trained within the alchemy of sister circles like this one. 

Hosted at Vibe Retreats in Arroyo Grande. You are welcome to come 30 minutes early to soak in the hot tub or infrared sauna, use the BioMats or Opus Sound Bed, and relax upon the beautiful grounds!

13 spots available. Energy exchange of $20, cash or Venmo.

Sign up to join the circle on Weds, September 4th in Arroyo Grande: