Would you like to change your diet but aren’t sure what is best for you?
Or know how to heal and release the emotions held in the body?
Do you or your loved ones suffer from joint pain, hearing loss, eye, or skin problems?
Do you want to find out how to apply yin and yang in your daily life?
Come to the macrobiotic winter conference and
broaden your repertoire with the best tried and tested recipes of famous macrobiotic chefs.
Find out what you need to do to make your health stronger.
Unlock the world mysteries through yin and yang
Enjoy a reunion with old friends and meet new, like-minded people.
1. Watch how to prepare delicious winter dishes (and learn world chef’s shortcuts) and learn
strengthening dishes that will keep you warm and cozy,
a quick and easy macrobiotic entrée when our schedules become too busy,
meals that will make you calmer and more peaceful,
the best cooking methods to keep yourself feeling nourished and energized.
2. Find out how to heal women’s health issues and common problems of aging
Learn simple DIY to heal niggling problems such as joint pain, hearing loss, eye and skin problems and many more
How to treat modern-day female health issues
Get advice from renowned counselors on your health or other issues
3. Use 4 new ways to improve your health
Heal and release emotions held in your body
Create a healthy gut biome and adapt to the changes around us
Access and use subtle, omnipresent healing energies in your daily life
Create an environment that will support your health from the outside
4. Understand the world through yin and yang
Understand the spiral evolution of literature and unlock the meaning of Waiting for Godot through yin and yang
Explore the yin and yang of architecture from the Pyramids, Stonehenge, and Taj Mahal to the Chrysler Building, Guggenheim Museum, and the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa
Understand the yin and yang of water and find out why fish swim upstream
5. Stretch, harmonize and improve the energy flow in your body with new yoga exercises
6. Connect with people from all over the world and feel the support of the macrobiotic community
All sessions recorded!
✔ More than 15 top teachers from all over the world
✔ 10 lectures on wide variety of topics
✔ 5 live cooking classes from experienced cooks
✔ 3 traditional yoga classes with Manjari live from India
✔ Women’s Health Panel
✔ Live discussion sessions
✔ Interaction with experienced counsellors
✔ Connection with old and new friends
✔ All presentations recorded
✔ Recipes from all cooking classes
✔ Hilarious Macrobiotic Skit at the end
Free introductory session with Bettina Zumdick, Alex, and Danka Jack with short information on current developments
Oliver Cowmeadow, director of International Macrobiotic School in the UK
For many people, eating a macrobiotic diet and leading a healthier life can bring emotional challenges. As our bodies become healthier, old emotions and behavioral patterns come to the surface, requiring us to heal and release them from the body for a healthier and happier life.
Susan Waxman, educational director of The Strengthening Health Institute
Amid the chaos around us, it is important to take care of ourselves on many levels, including cooking, eating, and living in a balanced way. Learn new calming dishes that will help you restore your balance and peaceful mind.
Virginia Harper, transformational leader in natural healing
Virginia will identify causes triggering deficiencies in female health and offer you simple and clear guidance how to treat various women’s health issues, including safe-and-easy home remedies.
Manjari Agarwala, yoga therapist and macrobiotic teacher from India
Using gentle movements, breath, and sound, you will experience yoga in its simplest, most authentic form. The sessions will help unwind, release stress, and bring a greater sense of ease and balance.
Moderated by Donna Clifford and Mark Leonas
Tom Monte, leader of programs on natural and emotional healing
Tom will talk about the source of healing waves, or frequencies that exist within us at deeper strata of consciousness, and how every one of us can access that state multiple times throughout the day
Simon Brown, chair of the Feng Shui Society in the UK
Macrobiotics seeks to change the energy of a person from the inside out, primarily through natural foods, while Feng Shui aims to change it from the outside in. They are natural partners in healing and a wealth of evidence show how our homes influence our parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn influences our ability to heal. Learn practical ways how to support your health using the natural flow of energy.
Amber Maisano, former chef cook at the Kushi Institute
This delicious, quick-and-easy macrobiotic entrée comes in handy, especially when our schedules become too busy. It is easy to pack for picnics and trips or to serve simply as a quick meal at home. Watch Sheri prepare her most popular and creative sandwich ideas: Tempeh Reuben, Fried Tofu with Kimchee, and Pesto Portobello.
Danka Jack, new enthusiastic macrobiotic teacher
Understand the simple yin and yang qualities of water and discover why and how fish swim upstream. You will also learn the best water for drinking, cooking, and bathing and possible solutions to the worldwide water crisis.
Manjari Agarwala, yoga therapist and macrobiotic teac
Using gentle movements, breath, and sound, you will experience yoga in its simplest, most authentic form. The sessions will help unwind, release stress, and bring a greater sense of ease and balance.
Moderated by Donna Clifford and Mark Leonas
Alex Jack, president of Planetary Health and former director of Kushi Institute in Becket
Explore the yin and yang of architecture from the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, and Taj Mahal to the Chrysler Building, Guggenheim Museum, and Burj Khalifa. Learn why traditional cultures featured spiral and circular designs while modern societies build in squares and rectangles. After this class, you will never look at a house, church, or office building the same way again.
Lara Holmes, macrobiotic teacher and chef at the International Macrobiotic school in the UK
Watch Lara prepare three delicious recipes that help to support our bodies and energy in the cold weather and keep us feeling nourished and energized. Learn about the theory behind why and which foods and cooking methods, as well as lifestyles, best suit the winter months.
Moderated by Donna Clifford and Mark Leonas
Honza Jicha, a Czech teacher, author, translator, and singer-songwriter
Using his detailed knowledge of literature and command of sixteen languages, Honza Jicha has penetrated to the heart of many literary works. In this lecture, he briefly introduces the history of literature through the lens of yin and yang, and apply this "macrobiotic" key to understanding Becket´s Waiting for Godot, one of the most enigmatic masterpieces of the 20th century.
Christina Pirello, macrobiotic educator and Emmy-Award winning host of Christina Cooks!
What we choose to eat determines how we move through the world. Are you comfortable as the weather changes? Do you dread the cold days ahead? Or do you accept the change with comfort, grace, and gratitude for all that Mother Nature provides—heat or cold? Let’s cook to stay cozy, even as our planet warms (and discover how to tread lightly on our fragile planet in the process).
Alice Fava, director of Macrobiotic Centre of Toronto
Find out how to get rid of niggling problems such as joint pain, hearing loss, and eye and skin problems and accelerate your healing journey using simple DIY methods.
Manjari Agarwala, yoga therapist and macrobiotic teacher from India
Using gentle movements, breath, and sound, you will experience yoga in its simplest, most authentic form. The sessions will help unwind, release stress, and bring a greater sense of ease and balance.
Moderated by Donna Clifford and Mark Leonas
Bettina Zumdick, founder and president of the Culinary Medicine School
Bettina will answer prior questions sent to her by email (bettinazumdick@gmail.com) while focusing on how we can change ourselves and our world with love, live our life from truth, and think with freedom while re-connecting the heart and mind and inner-standing with clarity from our shining core essence.
Patricio Garcia De Paredes, founder and director of the Macrobiotic School Japan
Understanding the energetic aspect of food allows us to adapt our way of cooking to the climate and seasons. Blending East and West, this class will offer several beautiful, delicious, and elegantly prepared dishes that warm and strengthen during this time of year. Patricio will also share his best tips for keeping warm from within.
Bill Tara, co-founder of the Kushi Institute with Michio and Aveline Kushi and macrobiotic activist
How do we blend with the natural environment, integrate our emotional and cultural life, and unify our physical well-being and personal vision? Strengthening our gut biome will enable us to adapt to the changes around us.
Moderated by Donna Clifford and Mark Leonas
Learn what macrobiotic counselors and teachers think and advise on various health issues.
by Honza Jícha, a Czech macrobiotic author, translator and sing-song writer
Hilarious macrobiotic parody of Romeo and Juliet
With Bettina Zumdick, Alex and Danka Jack
What do participants say about our conferences?
Can I pay by check?
Yes, you are welcome to pay by check. Please, make it out and address it to Planetary Health, Inc., P.O.BOX 487, Becket, MA, 01223 and let us know that you are paying this way at contact@planetaryhealth.com
Can I pay by the credit card?
Yes, you are welcome to pay this way. Please, send us your credit card number, expiration date, 3-digit security code and your ZIP code to contact@planetaryhealth.com or mail it to Planetary Health, Inc., P.O.BOX 487, Becket, MA, 01223.
I have other arrangements and can’t attend all the lectures. Will the lectures be recorded?
Yes, all the lectures will be recorded, and you can watch them again anytime at your convenience.
The only thing that is not recorded are the open discussion sessions to ensure the privacy of the participants and create a safe atmosphere for mutual sharing
How long will I have access to the recordings and other materials?
Recipes will be sent to your email and the recording will be available for 2 years 😊
Will the conference be live?
Yes, it will be a live online conference and you can actively participate in it via Zoom.
To connect to Zoom you will need a good internet connection and a device. If you will use a phone, tablet, or laptop, you will need to download the Zoom application beforehand, which you can do here for free.
Would you like to ask something else?
Please contact us at contact@planetaryhealth.com or bettinazumdick@gmail.com and we will be happy to reply to you.
We're super excited to have such top speakers attending this year's event.
Leader of programs on natural
and emotional healing
Macrobiotic educator and Emmy-Award winning host of Christina Cooks!
“I highly recommend the Conference. It is a great learning experience. It develops spirit and higher development, and motivates people to care about themselves, others, and the whole planet.”
- R.T.
Alex Jack is a renowned macrobiotic author and counsellor, former director of Kushi Institute in Becket and president of Planetary Health, a non-profit macrobiotic educational organization. He co-wrote the Macrobiotic Path to Total Health, the Book of Macrobiotics, and many other books on diet, health, and the environment with Michio Kushi and is currently writing a multivolume series Spiral of History.
Bettina Zumdick is a mapmaker - creating new pathways in life and the president and founder of the Culinary Medicine School. Her many years of introspection and inner-standing of the blue-prints and patterns that operate our world from behind the scenes can offer a perspective that is perhaps not always a comfortable truth but may shift you to more clarity, a deeper ethic and a deeper coherence of self.
Danka Jack is an enthusiastic macrobiotic teacher with a wealth of knowledge and experience. She grew up in a macrobiotic family, learning and applying the remedies and principles in her daily life since childhood. She is working as a Special Projects director at Planetary Health, giving courses and consultations in macrobiotics and 9 Star Ki.