Make Retirement Possible Membership

is a monthly membership that helps women over 50 make retirement a reality

Create a Solid Retirement Plan without Feeling Overwhelmed

Even if you feel lost with your current finances, are worried about not having enough saved,

or fear that retirement isn’t even possible


Women over 50 who are uncertain about whether they’ve saved enough for retirement

You’re a:

Dedicated professional who has worked hard to build a career and wants to ensure you can maintain your lifestyle in retirement

And you:

Absolutely can achieve a secure and fulfilling retirement without sacrificing your current quality of life

There’s just one small  eh


ENORMOUS… problem: 

You’re still not sure how to create a secure and sustainable retirement plan.

You’re overwhelmed by managing your cash flow and struggle to find ways to save more for retirement.

You’ve avoided looking closely at your financial situation because it feels too complicated and stressful (yet let's be're not getting any younger!)

You worry that your current savings and investments won’t be enough to maintain your desired lifestyle in retirement of trips to Europe, amazing weekend getaways with the husband, or remodeling your kitchen.

Knowing how to create a solid plan for retirement can feel totally overwhelming, I know.

Especially when you’ve already tried cutting back on expenses, reading financial books, attending workshops, and even working with a financial advisor—yet you’re still unsure if you’re on the right path.

I get it. 

As a financial coach for individuals nearing retirement, I’ve guided several clients through the same uncertainties and doubts you’re experiencing now.

And I’m here to help.

Hi, I’m Dalene, 

I help women (and couples) over 50 create a clear plan to retirement. 

If managing your cash flow and creating a secure retirement plan feels overwhelming or seems impossible, Welcome!

I was able to navigate my own financial journey to retirement and have enjoyed the retirement phase for the past two years.

With that knowledge, I’ve helped other women who were worried about retirement take control of their cash flow and create a solid retirement plan.

I'm dedicated to helping you build a retirement you'll love!

Here’s what happens when you know how to create a solid retirement

plan and manage your cash flow effectively:

  • You’ll finally have a clear path to a comfortable retirement and feel confident about your financial future.

  • You’ll be able to build and sustain your savings without the constant worry of financial instability or constantly using those savings.

  • You’ll feel empowered and secure, spending your days knowing exactly where your money is going and how it supports your retirement dreams.

You can absolutely achieve all of the above in the membership!

What will you find inside the membership?

Training Vault

New trainings each month to support you in creating your own retirement plan. From managing cash flow to crafting your retirement vision and everything in between, these short, digestible trainings are focused on helping you take action. Expect to spend just 45 minutes to an hour each month learning and implementing the latest strategy!

Live Q&A Sessions

To ensure that you don't feel alone while on this self-paced journey, you'll have access to monthly Q&A sessions to help solve any challenges or hurdles you face. Even if you can’t attend live, you’ll still have the opportunity to submit your questions and have them answered.

Quarterly Strategy Session

To support you even further, you'll receive a personalized 60-minute 1:1 strategy session every 3 months to help you customize your retirement plan.

My Step-by-Step Guide to a Dreamy Retirement

The following are the steps you will take you from confusion and uncertainty about retirement to a clear, organized, and stress-free retirement blueprint

Step 1

Master Cash Flow Control

Understanding your current financial picture is the foundation of retirement success. This step involves:

  • Creating a budget and simple cash flow system using the Money Mastery Method taught in my 1:1 coaching

  • Learn more about where your money is going and aligning your expenses with your values.

Step 2

Define Your Retirement Goals

What does your dream retirement look like? To make it a reality, you need to:

  • Visualize Your Retirement Lifestyle: Think about where you want to live, what activities you'll enjoy, and the lifestyle you desire.

  • Determine Your Financial Independence (FI) Number: Calculate how much you'll need to retire comfortably. This number is crucial to knowing when you're ready to retire.

Step 3

Creating a Budget for Retirement

In this step, you will:

  • Estimate Future Expenses: Consider housing, healthcare, travel, hobbies, and daily living costs.

  • Adjust for Inflation: Ensure your budget accounts for the rising cost of living over time.

  • Plan for Longevity: Make sure your budget supports you for the long term, possibly 20-30 years or more.

Step 4

Build Your Retirement Plan

With your budget in place, it's time to build your comprehensive retirement plan. This step will help you close the gap and ensure you a comfortable retirement:

  • Define the gap between where you are now and what you want out of retirement.

  • Break down your retirement plan into manageable goals and timelines.

  • Determine how your savings, investments, Social Security, and other sources will support you.

Step 5

Build a Solid Savings Plan

Both financial stability and retirement savings are essential for financial success. You will learn how to:

  • Save for all expected expenses and what you can do when something truly unexpected happens.

  • Get serious about retirement savings by increase contributions to retirement accounts like 401(k)s, IRAs, or other savings plans.

Step 6

Tackle Debt

Entering retirement debt-free allows you to fully enjoy your golden years:

  • Prioritize High-Interest Debt: Focus on paying off credit cards, personal loans, and other high-interest debts first.

  • Create a Debt Payoff Plan: Develop a strategy to eliminate remaining debts before retirement.

  • Plan and prepare how you will manage debt while in retirement.

Step 7

Plan for Social Security, Pension, and Medicare

These programs are critical components of your retirement income and healthcare coverage:

  • Understand Social Security: Learn the best time to claim benefits to maximize your monthly income.

  • Evaluate Pension Options: If you have a pension, decide on the best payout strategy for your needs.

  • Navigate Medicare: Understand your Medicare options and choose the right plan to cover healthcare costs in retirement.

Your Investment for the Membership

Monthly Subscription


Recurring billing each month

Receive access to new trainings every renewed billing cycle

1 Year Commitment


Billed each month at $40

Receive access to trainings as soon as they become available

Why Choose The Make Retirement Possible Membership?

You’ve worked hard throughout your life and now you’re facing the challenges of planning for retirement. But with so many questions and uncertainties, it’s easy to feel lost.

The Make Retirement Possible Membership offers a clear path forward, helping you:

Take Control: Gain mastery over your cash flow and spending habits, setting the foundation for a secure retirement.

Create Your Dream: Clarify your unique vision for retirement, moving beyond societal expectations to what truly matters to you.

Identify the Gap: Understand the difference between where you are now and where you need to be to achieve your dream retirement.

Work the Process: Implement a proven, step-by-step approach that will help you close the gap and move confidently toward your goals.

Join the membership today! We go live September 23rd!