Private Budget Coaching.

Fix your budget and pay off debt with a trusted plan that was designed just for YOU!


Financially-Free "Future You" will need excellent budgeting skills because debt-free is going to be your NEW reality. Get ready to rock your budget and work your custom debt pay-off plan! ❤️‍🔥

A plan you can trust to fix your budget and pay off 1 hour. ⏰ Let's go!


✅ 60-minute Zoom session with Dr. Halley.

✅ A custom Zero-Based Monthly Spending plan that is designed around your income and lifestyle.

✅ An individualized Debt Pay-Off Plan.

✅ Your own copy of the Zero Debt Budget spreadsheet pack ($27 value).

1 month FREE in Club Zero ($37 value), the membership for people who want zero debt and extra zeroes in their bank account.

✅ We'll address your Emergency Fund strategy and your approach to Retirement Savings, as well.



    📌 This budget and debt pay-off plan can be used with ANY budgeting approach you choose. For example, if you budget on paper with a budget planner you bought, you can use the information you receive at our session in your planner. If you use an app or spreadsheet (like the Zero Debt Budget that you'll receive), you can enter the numbers we choose so that your budget accurately reflects your life.

    📌 Once you purchase this coaching package, you'll receive an email (within 24 hours) to schedule your session. Session options include evenings and weekends.

    📌 You'll also receive forms to complete prior to our session so that all of your key financial information is compiled in one place and ready for us to discuss.


    🚀 This private coaching session is best for anyone who struggles with budgeting and wants to have a plan they can trust every month.

    🚀 It’s for anyone who routinely runs out of money before the end of the month and is done with the constant money stress.

    🚀 It’s for anyone who has debt and does not yet have a solid debt pay-off plan and strategy.

    🚀 It’s for anyone who wants to feel more in control of their money (instead of feeling like their money is controlling them).



    ❌ Anyone who feels confident that their monthly budget is successfully helping them make consistent progress toward becoming debt-free.

    ❌ Anyone who is satisfied with their current financial situation.

    ❌ Anyone who is not willing to invest the time and effort to collect key pieces of information in preparation for the coaching session (such as the % APR of each debt or a list of typical purchases or estimated spending for the household, etc.).



    🔥 You will receive a monthly budget based on our discussion and your choices, which includes: budget category group structure, budget categories, and monthly targets for each category (the amount of money you will assign to each category each month.) The total of your categories will equal your take-home pay (because it's a Zero-Based Budget).

    🔥 You will also receive a Debt Pay-Off Plan that details your chosen pay-off order (I will guide you to the pay-off method that makes the most sense for your situation). You will know exactly how much money to send to debt in month #1, month #2, month #3, etc. (Each month will likely be different based on whether you have already established an Emergency Fund). You will know when you'll become debt-free based on various possible scenarios, and how much total interest you will have paid in each scenario.

    🔥 We will discuss where you stand with "savings," such as an Emergency Fund and/or Retirement Savings. [Note: this session is not to be considered "financial advice," as I am a budget coach, not a financial advisor.] I will not be recommending investment options; rather, we will discuss the pros/cons of continuing to invest for retirement while paying off debt (if this situation applies to you).

    🔥 It is perfectly okay if you earn varying amounts of money each month. It's also okay if you are not paid bi-weekly. You will simply be budgeting the money you receive, whenever you receive it. Yes, it's really that easy and flexible!



    💌 Email Dr. Halley at [email protected] 

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