Welcome Subscribe RDCard

We are a half-monthly email public account. With your permission, we will share with you the knowledge, article or discount of the printing industry, the latest developments in the card field and the results of data analysis. Provide free consulting services.

About RDCard

Turn the design artwork into reality card. RDCard specializing in playing card, card game, board game, flash card, tarot card and other printing products.

What can I do for you

  • Provide production solution based on our team professional experience.
  • Provide stable production supply and on-time delivery.
  • Assist in new product R & D and assist in sales side market development.
  • A min warranty of one year. Permanent after-sales service.

What we share to you

  • Latest discounts, product guides and articles.
  • Several key tips for finding suppliers, budgeting prices and monitoring card quality.
  • The latest trends in card design and gameplay.
  • Knowledge about card composition and production process.
  • Preparation for the production of printed cards.
  • Amazon's latest data analysis in the card field.

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