Your Bespoke, Hands-Free, End-To-End Property Investment Service

Inside this guide, you'll learn about...

Who We Are

What we do, how we operate and our core values


What makes a property a great investment

The Process

Taking you step-by-step through our bespoke process

Success Stories

Examples of a few of our past cases including client testimonials


Who is Ricky Hardie?

Raised in a London council estate, I built a successful construction career managing £500M+ projects over a 20-year period. However, the birth of my children shifted my focus towards wealth creation and spending quality time with my family. Using my construction expertise and a large investment into my property education, I founded ThePropertyInvestCo, offering a comprehensive VIP hands-free portfolio-building service. With my experience as a Commercial Director and Quantity Surveyor with 20 years of experience, I guide clients through strategic property investments with a complete hands free service.


What Our Clients Are Saying

What makes property a great investment

Time-Tested Asset

Property is one of the oldest and most
established asset classes, with values consistently rising over time.

Wealth Builder

Regarded as the world's largest store of wealth, real estate is the preferred investment choice for the wealthy.

Multiple Income Streams

Property investment offers several
income-generating opportunities, including rental income, property
appreciation, and tax benefits.

Portfolio Diversification

Real estate investments add variety to your portfolio, reducing risk and providing stability during market fluctuations

Leverage Opportunities

The ability to leverage through mortgages can amplify your returns, allowing you to control a substantial asset with a small down payment.

Inflation Hedge

Property values and rental income typically rise with inflation, making real estate a viable hedge against inflation.

Tangible Asset

Property is a visible, physical asset, increasing its appeal to investors.

Ever-Increasing Demand

The growing global population constantly increases the demand for housing, making property a valuable and sought-after asset.

Property Value Doubles Every 10 Years

Your dream comes true

Should & How do I get in touch?

Interested in property investment? Reaching out to a seasoned investor or joining a property investment group can offer invaluable insights and opportunities. Networking is key to unlocking potential deals and partnerships.

Still not sure? Check out this video!