We all know burnout.

We’ve been inundated with it for the last few years. Likely, you’ve recognized which part of the chronic burnout lifestyle you’ve been living. I know I did. Maybe you’ve even made some positive shifts. I know I have.

But what if you’re still left feeling unmotivated and uninspired compared to how you felt before? And you want to feel alive and empowered to get back in control of how you’re experiencing your life and work?

Meet rust-out - burnout’s companion - where your passion, energy, interest, and patience have dried up and gotten a little crusty around the edges. Maybe even to the point you’ve considering changing careers or industries or an early retirement to a Norwegian fishing village raising goats. Or maybe that last one is mine.

On January 19 at 11am MT, we’re going to talk all about rust out, what it means for you and your relationship to work, and learn some solutions and pathways to shifting into a more intentionally aligned and embodied life and work.

Rusting out of your career or current job can look like:

  • Not finding purpose in your work - maybe you never have or maybe this has shifted since you started.

  • A lack of purpose can often be paired with feelings of dissatisfaction, uncertainty about your future, and increase in anxiety or confusion.  

  • A decrease in creative flow of ideas and problem solving feels like a low dull pizzazz overall. 

  • Often it pairs with overing because now you’ve overcommitted with new projects and tasks in order to try and stimulate your motivation and aliveness.

In this free 60-minute workshop, you will:

  • Gain perspectives on rust out versus burnout and the ways they are connected to career grief

  • Explore what rust out means for you and your relationship to work

  • Learn some solutions and pathways to shifting into a more intentionally aligned life and work.

Join us on January 19 at 11am MT.

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