
Labour and Birth

All you need to know to feel fully informed to navigate the modern medical system…

while preparing for the birth of your baby

Every woman should have the information, and be supported in the their decisions, to experience birth and motherhood in a way that they choose.

Cut through the nonsense of our current maternity services so that you can make sense of these key topics in preparing for labour and birth:

  • Decision Making: What's Right for You?
  • Undisturbed Labour & Birth: Stages & Phases
  • Your Modern Day Map of Medically Managed Maternity Care
  • The Dilemma with Estimated Due Dates
  • Induction: Are You Ready?!
  • Caesarean Birth: What You Need to Know
  • How to Write your Birth Plan

When a woman feels empowered in her birth experience, and has continuity of care during her transition to motherhood, this has a positive impact on her health and well-being - as well as on her relationship with her baby.

"Your work is amazing - THANK YOU!!"
"She enabled us to have the most positive birth after having had a previously traumatic experience"
"I would strongly recommend that workshop to all pregnant women."
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Empowered Labour and Birth

Information to make decisions in supporting your optimal labour & birth. All you need to know to feel fully informed to navigate the modern medical system while preparing for the birth of your baby for just £47!

47.00 GBP

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The Empowered Birth and Beyond Bundle

Experience the ultimate guide to motherhood with this Bundle! This comprehensive package is packed with all the essential knowledge you need to confidently navigate through the exciting journey of pregnancy, labour, and caring for your newborn.

57.00 GBP

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No BS Infant Feeding Video Series

Everything you need to know about feeding your newborn.

27.00 GBP

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