Shut Up & Show Up!

Your Content Creation Club

👉🏼 Are you struggling to stick to your content creation process? 

👉🏼 Do you need bum-kicks and accountability to show up regularly?

👉🏼 Do you block out time to work on your business and then overwrite it? 

👉🏼 Do you keep looking jobs because you just want a steady income?

Friend, I absolutely get it. I've been there, but I know that when I do show up regularly, I see huge rewards. I'm top of mind, so I get more referrals, conversations and leads. I convert those leads easily because I'm familiar with them.

This stuff works, which is why I'm so passionate about it.

But I completely understand the difficulty in getting it done. I talk about all the things I need to do but they slip to the bottom of the list and rarely actually get done.


So, what exactly is it?

It's a monthly membership to get you creating and improving your content so you can show up consistently in your desired places, reap the rewards of staying top of mind and enjoy a bountiful pipeline of leads and referrals from perfect-fit customers. You can create content for emails, podcasts, socials, video channels, presentations, and blogs. Anything you like for anywhere you want to show up.

Here's how it helps you to do just that:

🪶 Twice Weekly Co-working Sessions - Tues - 8.30-10.30am & Friday 12.30 - 2.30pm

🪶 Monthly Copy Clinic - Live Q&A plus submit your content for live feedback 

🪶 Monthly Workshop - Level up your skills each month with a helpful educational session

🪶 Resource Library - Recordings of clinics and workshops plus other helpful info all in one place

🪶 Monthly Email - Start the month with some content inspiration, reminders and  helpful links and resources 

🪶 WhatsApp Group - Optional and strictly for accountability, staying on track and content-related chat

🪶 Planning Sessions - Quarterly plan and review, look at the year ahead to create a strategy that's highly effective 

All of this for just £25 per month. Sound like a bargain? It is. 

Ready to get cracking?

Wondering what the catch is? 

Fair one. But there isn't one. I want this to be easily affordable for small businesses. I want to create a community that helps each other to create successful businesses on our own terms and not get swallowed up by the sheer amount of 'stuff' there is to do.

Plus, it's actually a shiny new membership, so the price may increase a little as it evolves. However, members get lifetime pricing, meaning the price you come in at is the price you stay at for as long as you remain a member.

All I do ask is that you commit to 12 months because big rewards don't happen overnight. It takes time to get into a groove with your content, and I want to keep nudging you and helping to keep you on track to the life and business you want so you never feel like perusing the job ads!

Don't panic, though. I know life can change in the blink of an eye, and I won't force anyone to stay in something that isn't in their best interests. So, requests to leave early will be considered on an individual basis. 

Need the nitty gritty? 

No problem. Here it is...


Have you ever been in a co-working session only to find it hard to focus over the chit-chat? Me too. So, there are two reasons the membership is called shut up and show up! During co-working sessions, we will have 5 minutes or so at the start to say hi and state what we are working on, then it's mics muted and heads down to crack on.

After an hour, we'll have a little tea break and catch up to reset the brain, meaning you're ready to hyperfocus again for the next hour. It really works, honest.

Co-working forms an essential part of the membership because as the months roll by, I want you to feel accomplished like you're actually getting shiz done, showing up and seeing more feast and less famine as a result.

Hmm... I'm not convinced by this co-working lark. 

You're not alone there! Quite a few people aren't sure about it, and of course, like anything, it isn't for everyone. I've had members join who weren't sure about it, and after one session, they commented about how much work they managed to get done as they were much more focused and less easily distracted!

Why? Because for a lot of people, seeing others looking so focused and quietly getting on with their work helps them to do the same. Your mind might wander, but you glance at the screen and see others still focusing and that reminds you to do the same. Without that, you might have gone and made another cup of tea or picked up your phone.

Then, in the middle, we have a brain break. A cuppa and a chat for ten minutes to refresh and reset. Co-working is particularly beneficial if you work alone all day, as that can feel quite lonely. So, having colleagues to work alongside and have a quick chat with can make a huge difference.

Still not convinced? Come along and try it out. Even without the co-working, the membership is still practical and super useful for accountability and resources.

 Copy Clinic

This will be a monthly session held over Zoom. It's a chance to come along and ask any questions, brainstorm a little and see a live critique of some copy or content that you or another member has submitted beforehand.

All of these sessions will be recorded and added to your resource library so you can watch on-demand as and when it suits.

Why is critique helpful?

The thought of having your work dissected on Zoom may feel utterly cringeworthy, but it's such a valuable exercise. Seeing a piece get transformed whilst you watch is powerful stuff. Because it's visual, you'll have a greater understanding and retention of the information and be better able to transfer what you learn to your own work. 

You may find that you look at a piece of work and either think it's good or feel it's slightly off, but you aren't sure why. Seeing writing evolve from good to great will sharpen your eye for what great looks like and how to achieve it. 


    This monthly educational slot is an opportunity to level up your content skills. Sessions will be delivered by myself or a guest expert and topics will be guided by members and their needs.

    As you get into your stride creating content and seeing the fab results, you'll probably feel the desire to learn more and improve your skills, so we've got that covered.

    Planning Sessions

    You could just create content all willy-nilly like, but if you want to turbo-charge your results, a strategy is what you need. Have you ever decided to launch a new offer, put out a few posts and then failed to get bums on seats? 

    Yeah, you're not alone. We need to promote a LOT more than we think we do. We need to be showing up consistently with a really clear message for weeks for people to start taking notice. 

    So we'll be doing some planning, looking at the year ahead and then also reviewing and making quarterly plans. So your content makes sense, is easier to create and gets much better results.

    There is more though...

    WhatsApp Group

    I know, I know... "Not another WhatsApp group." I can hear the groans already. However... this is entirely optional, but also, it's strictly content accountability. No chit-chat, no quotes, no picking your phone up to 564 unread messages 😂. This is simply a space for reminders, nudges and genuine accountability if you wish to be part of it.

    Resource Library

    Now, when I say library, just know this is a work in progress, which is why the price is so low currently. Each month, recordings of copy clinics and workshops will be added along with other relevant bits such as templates, frameworks, checklists, etc. All are strictly content-related and considered super helpful.

    Now, if you're anything like me, you might get a little overwhelmed when faced with a mass of resources and end up using none because you can't decide which ones to look at first. So the beauty of joining us now is that there are minimal resources, so no overwhelm, just a clear and straightforward content membership that grows along with you.

    Initially, these resources will be hosted in a private Facebook group until I get a members area set up on my website.

    Monthly inspire email

    At the start of each month, you'll receive a content inspiration email. This might have some AI prompts, ideas for social content, snippets of useful info, upcoming cultural days and general things to consider for the month ahead. 

    What to expect...

    If you turn up, create content and stick to a plan or strategy, here's what you can expect...

    1. Enquiries dropping into your inbox and DMs more regularly

    2. Higher conversions as the enquiries are fresh from the oven hot!

    3. Consistent income!! Yes... really!!

    4. More referrals as more people understand exactly what you do

    5. Requests to be on podcasts or give presentations and talks

    6. Invites to switch on the Christmas lights as you become a local celeb... ok, maybe not this last one, but you never know!

    Now, before you get too giddy at the prospect of being a local celeb, I just want to point out that just handing over £25 every month will not produce these results. 

    Like everything in life, you have to put in the time and effort. Turn up to the co-working, be strict about using that time to create content and follow some sort of plan. The more you use the membership as it's intended, the greater the rewards you'll reap. 

    I'll hold space and give you the tools, skills and resources you need, but it's down to you to shape your content and strategy to fit you and your business. 

    Did you know? 80% of the buying decision is made before a sales call?

    (When prospects consume your content they decide if they like you, and whether they trust you to help them)