Simple Content Marketing for Small Businesses

👉🏼 Are you struggling to be consistent with posting content? 

👉🏼 Are you fed up of staring at a blank page wondering what to write?

👉🏼 Do you want to easily attract more qualified inbound leads

👉🏼 Are you keen to understand how to use AI effectively and stand out in the sea of boring, vanilla content?

Well then, I guess it's your lucky day because you are in just the right place! 

I can help you with all of those things and more, without the overwhelm or complexity... happy days! 

The next live course starts Monday, July 22nd 2024 and you can secure your spot right now for just £97!

Can't make it live? 

No problem... all sessions are recorded and sent out in your recap email after every session. You'll have access for at least 12 months, so you can go back and refresh whenever you want to.

PLUSY... You lucky thing, you'll also have the option to come back and attend live sessions of all future rounds for the next 12 months, too!! Amazing huh?

I'll be available throughout the course for help and advice, too, so if you don't make the live session, you can still get help from me or in the Facebook community.

How it works...

  • The course consists of 4 live 60-minute Zoom calls over 4 weeks. These are held on Mondays at 11.00 am, and a recording and Google doc are sent out afterwards.
  • Live Q&A on every call.
  • Support from me along the way.
  • Access to a Facebook group for community networking and additional support.
  • Recap email after every session containing links to resources and recordings.

All this for just £97! 

 By the end of this short course, you'll have...

  • A topic bank that's brimming over with great ideas
  • A  clear and simple content strategy that gets the results you desire
  • The skills to easily write great blog posts... and other content
  • The confidence to rinse and repeat month after month
  • A month's worth of content ready to go

Warning... following this simple strategy may lead to more business than you can handle as people clamour to work with your fabulous self!*

*Of course, individual results may vary and depend on multiple factors.

Never again will you be posting without purpose or suffering from blank page paralysis!

What to expect...

The course follows my simple 4-step strategy for consistent content creation:

1. Create a topic bank & content strategy

2. Write a blog article

3. Repurpose the blog

4. Create, mix and schedule

It isn't the only way to achieve success. Nor is it a one-size-fits-all blueprint. 

The beauty of this is that it's a framework. It's flexible and can be moulded to suit you and your business, so it works effortlessly for you. 

Here's what you'll learn from each session...

Week 1. Brainstorm Your Topics

Defining your target market and where they hang out

Choosing your channels

Ideas and inspiration to easily fill your topic bank using a simple-to-follow framework.

Using AI effectively to help the process of content creation

How to organise your time and tasks for maximum productivity.

Downloads: Strategy spreadsheet to keep you organised and on track + Key dates and cultural days list.

Homework: Continue to fill in topics sheet.

Week 2. Write Your Article

Q&A and discuss homework task.

Form a strategy that gives results

How to structure your article.

What makes a good blog post.

Framework to make writing quick and easy.

Secret cheat if you really don't want to write a blog post!

Workbook: Blogging best practices and framework.

Homework: Write your article - send it to me for feedback.

Week 3. Repurpose Your Article

Q&A and discuss homework task.

Learn exactly how to repurpose your blog into numerous pieces of content such as video, text, images, slideshows, newsletters and more.

The savvy way to use AI

How to structure social media posts

Crafting a great Call To Action - and what to avoid!

Workbook: Guide to repurposing - Pick your perfect CTA

Homework: Finish exhausting your article of content!

Week 4. Fill your Content Calendar.

Q&A and discuss homework task.

How to mix up posts for better engagement.

Finding your perfect content schedule.

A bit about #hashtags.

Overview of scheduling software.

Batch creation method and framework

Workbook: Printable content calendar - Popular #'s list.

Homework: Schedule your posts!

Did you know? Businesses with blogs generate 67% more leads than those without - Hubspot