I already track my cycle, what will I learn that I don't already know?
It's great that you'll be starting with a baseline because you'll be able to jump straight in with putting some of the insights into practice without waiting to work out when each phase of your cycle is. I will be covering how your energy and mood is affected by your cycle and how to harness your natural ebbs and flows so you know exactly how to plan your month to make the most of your productive and creative periods. I will be going even deeper than that – I'm going to talk about the different ways you can adapt your diet so you are eating the foods that will support your hormones at the right time, mitigating the worst effects of your symptoms before your period, as well as how your cycle changes how your immune system works and the best sorts of exercise to do. It's a fully comprehensive workshop!
My cycles are irregular, is this for me?
Definitely, I will cover how to track your cycle if you can never tell when your period will be. And you might even find that within a few months of tracking your period starts becoming more regular.
I'm in perimenopause, is this for me?
Yes, especially if you're in the early stages. Often our periods start becoming erratic and irregular which looks like perimenopause but might not be – in the workshop I'll cover what to look for when hormones aren't working. Sometimes when you start tracking they start becoming regular again!
Isn't it just using your periods as an excuse?
It's no secret that we can turn into a grumpy monster at certain times of the month. But I think when we don't pay attention to our period we can explode – and then beat ourselves up for being the worst mum ever! I don't think we should hide or ignore the role our hormones have on our energy and mood (that's why I'm running this workshop!), and I strongly believe once we understand them a bit more we can take steps to plan our life accordingly, reducing the explosions and being kinder to ourselves when they do happen!