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Reiki Business Tax Class

Stop being confused by federal taxes! Understand how taxes work, important information you need to know, and how to be your accountant's favorite client. Information and education for US businesses only and not tax advice. Includes exclusive 1-on-1 session for personal support of your Reiki business journey and bonus sales tax and VAT info.

125.00 USD

Thank you!

Thank you for purchasing the Distance Reiki Business Builder and serving the world with Reiki from anywhere you wish. Break out the sweatpants!

Check your e-mail for a welcome message with all program materials, including the link to schedule your 1-on-1 Reiki business building session.

Can't wait to get started?
Click the button below to access the first training...

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Thank you. Sending blessings to your distance Reiki biz!


Please note that this course contains only information and education and does not contain tax advice. Nothing in this course should be construed as tax advice. Please always consult your own tax professional for guidance on your individual tax situation.

Thanks, and blessings to your Reiki biz!