No matter how well you know your audience, things change when the world economy is turned upside down–and your messaging needs to change with it.

Yes, you can still make sales during a recession.

No, you don't need any manipulative sales tactics.

In this limited-time masterclass, you'll discover:

  • The consumer psychology behind how to continue making sales (even through a recession)
  • The 4 research-backed response archetypes people have to economic uncertainty
  • How to ethically communicate with each of those archetypes so that they feel connected, reassured, and primed to purchase

Everybody who registers will get a copy of the recording to keep.

If you can make it live, you should. This is too valuable to gather dust in your forgotten inbox. Plus, there'll be a special prize worth AU$245 given to one lucky live attendee.



All live attendees will also get FREE access to my next, paid training, on Consumer Psychology and Heuristics (and how to apply them to product AND service based businesses).

Step into my office.