Are you a budding entrepreneur who's thinking about starting your own business?

Do you feel ready to launch your business but aren't sure if you've put all of the all-important financial pieces in place? 

Believe me, I know from experience and many steep learning curves, exactly what it takes to create a successful and growing business.

Why do I know this? Because I'm a small business owner too. As an already experienced accountant and financial consultant, I started my business feeling well prepared. It didn’t take me long, however, to find that there were additional skills and knowledge that I needed to run a successful business.

And as small business owners we're all on this journey together! 

That's why I've written this eBook. There have been many steep learning curves, some mistakes and some good decisions. But all that learning has led me to this point, and the experience I have in helping other entrepreneurs set up and grow successful businesses.

My aim for this New Business Kit, is to make it easier for the next generation of up-and-coming entrepreneurs and business owners, just like you, to start with all that knowledge already in the bank.

In this eBook you'll learn...

Running your own business has many rewards – giving you the chance to follow a passion, live according to a lifestyle that works for you and leave a legacy for your family. 

This kit highlights many of the practical points that require consideration before trading begins.

Here's a very small taste of what you're going to learn...

  • Choosing the best legal entity for your business
  • How to register your business with the tax authorities
  • The different types of accounting and bookkeeping
  • How to cash plan and forecast
  • How to obtain credit and finance your business

And so much more!

In this new business kit I've covered the most important areas of business. From initial set-up to basic bookkeeping and accounting, registering for VAT, payroll taxes and pensions, computer accounting systems and a whole lot more in between.  

My aim is that this eBook will become your guide for understanding the financial requirements with starting your business, and support you with building right out of the gates on firm foundations. 

If you're serious about running a successful and growing business, complete the form below to receive your copy of my 'The New Business Kit' eBook.

About Grant Jones Accountancy Ltd

Established in 2006, Grant-Jones Accountancy Ltd was founded by Fiona Grant-Jones, who is passionate about helping clients to achieve their dreams and do great things for their business and, in turn, society as a whole. Through proven techniques, experts at Grant-Jones Accountancy Ltd will work with you as your trusted business partner. We will provide you with the tools you need to understand your numbers, and accurate information in the format you need.

We care about you and your business. We want you to succeed and achieve your business goals and, in turn, achieve great things for you and your family. After all, at the end of the day that is what counts!

And that's why we've created this eBook. As a team we're passionate about helping small business owners with growing thriving businesses. And we want this for you too.

There's no time like the present to get started with achieving your business goals. Click the button and receive your copy of my 'The New Business Kit' eBook right now!

Why we're not your average accountants...

The Financial, Tax & Accounting Considerations of Starting a New Business

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