Hello Beautiful!

My name is Jana, I am a mum and a Doula. That is my life. I come from Czech Republic, but I came to NZ about six years ago, I gave birth to my son in Queenstown while living in Invercargill. Just recently we relocated to Canterbury and I am more than happy to be able to offer you my services here :) 

Since I was a little girl, I wanted to help others. Until I gave birth, my path was set to help animals. I studied animal protection and welfare at the University, I volunteered in dog shelters and rescue centres for wild animals... And then I got pregnant, thinking my life will stay the same, but it did not, surprisingly :D 

My birth experience was truly beautiful, astonishing, and transformative. It was probably during my postpartum that I learned how many women actually don't get to experience their birth as magically as I did. How many women struggle with breastfeeding. How many women can't cope with motherhood at all. Very often due to the traumatic pregnancy and birth. Due to the disconnection from their baby and their own self. 

First I became a certified Breastfeeding Support (thank you, Plunket, so much for this opportunity), that set me on a completely different path. I found my purpose. I found myself working with women, with pregnant women who hadn't known what to expect just yet, and also with women who found motherhood too difficult to handle already. Because of my own journey, I later created childbirth classes focused on single mums, or mums-to-be without any support. Also, as an immigrant myself, I get the struggle of starting a family in a new country, where you don't have any roots, any grandparents, any siblings or old friends. I am here to give you at least a little part of that missing support. I can see you, I can feel you and I am here for you. No matter if you don't have anyone or if you just feel like having a little extra support for your desired experience.

I am a very down-to-earth woman, nevertheless I take the spirituality of the birthing process very seriously. Because at the moment of birth, two people are born - the baby and the mama. I believe that every soul comes here to do the work they are meant to do, whether that is through an easy birth, a cesarean, through a death or short stay, or through some miraculous experience. Every birth is unique and there are not two stories alike. I am here to offer you guidance on your journey, whichever turn it takes, I will support you without any judgement, and I will accept and respect you just as you are in this moment.  

Working with women is my passion, my destiny and I keep learning, keep improving and keep extending my services, so I can cover the needs of women from the conception of their first child until the end of her fertile years. I can be there for you from the beginning of your story, and I can also help you close it (refer to Closing the Bones).

If you would like me to be a little part of your journey, let me know, it would be a great honour :)

In case I am fully booked, feel free to contact Brigi, my fellow Doula from Christchurch who I work closely with. She is also my back-up Doula in case anything happens that would prevent me from supporting you at your birth.


This includes 5 visits in which you can learn how to cope with birth, how to take care of your body and what to prepare for postpartum. We will always adjust these consultations to your specific needs, so that you can have a calm and relaxed pregnancy.

Price: $500

I will be there for you during your labour and birth, helping you with pain management, supporting the physiological process with any natural means. I like to use rebozo, aromatherapy, relaxation techniques, position changes, gentle touch, or a vaginal steaming. I will be your birth partner, listening to your wishes and I wouldn't do anything without your consent. This includes 2 visits or calls before birth when we can get to know each other, discuss your birth plan, and see what you need to address, 24 hours of birth support, and 2 visits after birth.

Price: $920 (in combo with Birth Prep: $750)

During the postpartum period I can offer you a wide range of services depending on your specific needs. These services include: general house cleaning, cooking, looking after older siblings, running errands, shopping, breastfeeding support, belly binding, babywearing consultations, vaginal steaming when possible, helping with scars healing etc. The price is flexible, depending if the service is regular or not. I can stay with you for 24 hours to help you with your time management, taking care of your baby and yourself, or we can split those 24 hours in 6 weeks depending on your needs.

Hourly rate is $35, or the price for the whole 6 weeks care is $800

Gentle touch massage with oil, helps to improve the blood flow, can prevent swelling of the body, releases back pain, relaxes the muscles and prepares the body and mind for the birth by learning to release tension and rest. For your added comfort I will come to your home. It generally takes 90-120 minutes.

Price: $120

The rituals are always adjusted to your needs. They help you prepare the mind for the birth by giving thanks to your body, connecting with your baby and your ancestors, connecting with Mother Nature. I love to use the power of Cacao and Henna painting. The ritual can be just for you, or you can have your family and other kids there, or you can invite your friends, however it suits you. I will guide you and your community through the ritual, so you can enjoy all the magic and power it brings.

Price depending on the ritual: $250 - $400

Closing the bones ritual is traditionally used for the end of the postpartum period, but it can be performed anytime, even years after birth. It is also an amazing technique for acknowledging the end or any life period, after going through any changes in life, any turbulent times, typically divorce, death of a close person, moving to a different country, changing careers etc. This ritual takes anything between 6-10 hours, it includes sharing your story, cacao ritual, vaginal steaming or bath with herbs, gentle touch massage with or without aromatherapy, and it is ended with wrapping your body into 7 scarves, so you can be "reborn" once you are ready to be unwrapped. It is a truly magical experience.

Price: $800